Claudia Raia's diet excludes milk and red meat

In the air as villain Lívia de Salve Jorge, Claudia Raia has garnered praise from the public, not only for her acting, but for the great form she displays at 46. In addition to burning calories with the dance, the actress also went through a process of dietary education, which excluded milk and red meat from the menu. Learn more about Claudia Raia's diet and see its benefits and harms to the body:

Blood Type Diet

Claudia Raia's diet was recommended by the actress's doctor because of her constant migraines, not exclusively for weight loss purposes. The blood type diet, as it is known, is based on a group of foods that are better or worse digested by a particular blood group.

People who have blood type A, such as the actress, do not digest lactose and red meat well. Therefore, these food groups leave residues in the body that turn into toxins, causing problems such as migraine.

The organism without red meat

According to nutritionist Janaina Furtado, care must be taken when excluding a food or food group from the daily menu. This was a specific recommendation for Claudia Raia, who had medical and nutritional advice. However, I like to point out that diets with dietary weight loss should not be done, because momentary deprivation will generate momentary results?

Therefore, the recommendation is to include red meat in the diet at least twice a week. "It is known that the digestion of red meat takes longer and that its excess can lead to problems in the digestive system, but it is important that there is consumption because of the important nutrients contained in it, such as iron," says the nutritionist.

Still according to Janaina, contrary to popular myth, red meat itself does not get fat: "what makes you fat is the way it is prepared," he points out. However, good options to replace it are chicken or pork. Eggs are also sources of protein, but care must be taken when consuming it: "We recommend that you do not eat egg with meat, as both are sources of cholesterol," explains Janaina.

The lactose free organism

Claudia Raia also has a diet that excludes lactose from food. According to the nutritionist, lactose does not cause harm to the body when those who consume it have no intolerance. "Lactose, which is a milk-exclusive protein, does not provide weight gain, so there is no need for a person who has no intolerance to it to exclude milk and its dairy derivatives," teaches Janaina.

Once in the body, lactose provides energy to cells, increases absorption and intestinal utilization of calcium in milk. "It is only considered a harm to the body only when the person has intolerance," he says.

Know the full diet of the actress


One jar of nonfat yogurt, two spoons (oatmeal), one cup (teaspoon) of chopped fruits (banana, strawberry, papaya, mango), an omelet with a whole egg and two egg whites.

Morning snack

Sandwich with two slices of light brown bread, a slice of white cheese and a slice of turkey breast or a cereal bar and eight almonds.


Three tablespoons brown rice, one tablespoon cooked chickpeas, one large chicken fillet, steamed broccoli, one large plate of salad (leaves, palm heart, cherry tomato, red pepper, herb) -candy).

Afternoon snack

One unsweetened banana + one cup (coffee) of roasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds or a jar of light yogurt with two tablespoons of cereal mix.


A bowl of cauliflower soup (without milk or butter), a grilled salmon fillet (120 g) with braised shimeji.


Light gelatin, a jar of light yogurt or a slice of white cheese with a teaspoon of light jam.

Claudia Raia apresenta no Mais Você a Nutricionista Alessandra e o Personal Trainer Tonhão (May 2024)

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