Everything you need to know about the sciatic nerve

Those who have never had problems with their sciatic nerve may never know exactly where it is and what it is for, but those who suffer from inflammation in the main nerve of the lower limbs understand the discomfort it can cause.

Which is?

The sciatic nerve, also called the sciatic nerve, controls the hip joints, knees and ankles, as well as the muscles of the legs and feet. This nerve can be considered the largest in the human body, and extends from the fourth and fifth vertebrae of the lumbar spine to the knee, branching from there into the various tendon muscles to the feet.

Is there a difference between the terms? Sciatic? and "sciatica". While? Sciatica? is the name of the nerve while? sciatica? It is the name given to the pain symptom in the site. Other names given to this pain are? Sciatica pain? and "sciatica".


Among the many possible causes of sciatic nerve compression followed by pain, some of the main ones are disc herniation, trauma originating from accidents, tumors, thigh rotation muscle syndrome, osteoarthritis, lumbar spine stenosis, and vertebral slippage. originating from pressure fractures.


Physical educator Dilson Bortolanza also suffers from the problem, and states that while sciatica is very pronounced and easily identifiable, some of its own characteristics can help you detect the source of the problem. Are they:

  • Irradiation of pain from the lumbar spine towards the legs;
  • decreased muscle strength, with consequent increased pain after long periods? in the legs (standing, during exercise or driving, for example);
  • loss of sensation or decreased reflexes in the affected limbs;
  • increased pain at night, in cold weather or when the patient sneezes and coughs.


If you are suspicious that the pain you are experiencing may be caused by a change (inflammation or compression) in the sciatic nerve, it is best to consult a trusted doctor for diagnosis.

Dr. Drauzio Varella, on his website, explains that anamnesis (survey of the patient's clinical history) and physical examination to identify the compromised nerve roots are elements of recognized importance for the diagnosis of sciatica. Can imaging, such as X-ray, CT, and MRI, as appropriate, provide data that help confirm the diagnosis and institute treatment?


Since this is a problem with several possible causes, it is understandable that treatments should also be determined according to these causes. During seizures, however, the professional recommendation is likely to be analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, which allow for the reduction or cancellation of pain experienced by the patient.

Still according to information provided by Varella, "research shows that as soon as symptoms permit, it makes no difference to gradually return to physical activity or to stay in bed until the pain completely disappears."

The doctor also states that active and passive physical therapy, weight loss, postural reeducation and physical activity (walking and stretching, for example) respecting the limitations of each patient are fundamental measures not only to promote nerve decompression, but also also as to prevent crises. Surgery should only be indicated in special cases and properly evaluated by the specialist doctor.

Signs You Have Sciatica (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
  • 1,230