9 mistakes that can increase your chance of getting pregnant (if you don't want to)

Much is said about how pregnancy is a wonderful gift that belongs only to women. We do not doubt that, but we also know that at certain times in our lives, we least want to get pregnant.

If this is your case and you do not imagine yourself with a baby in your arms in the coming months, it is essential that you know the main mistakes that can lead to an unwanted pregnancy. Check out our list and learn how to avoid them:

1. Confuse fertile and non-fertile days

On average, the fertile period lasts six days each cycle, but it can differ from month to month, especially if your period is not very tight.

Therefore, you need to know very well how to calculate it and keep a record of the dates you are most likely to get pregnant, either with the classic little table or an application.

2. Using an inappropriate contraceptive method for you

If you never remember to take your medications on time, it will be difficult to maintain regular pill use, and this will increase the chances of an unwanted pregnancy.

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That way, it is safer to look to your gynecologist to find another method, such as an IUD, patches, or injections that best fits your style.

3. Not planning before a sexual intercourse

Whether because they weren't expecting to have sex or because they don't have sex very often, many women don't prepare to prevent a possible pregnancy, so they don't use any hormonal methods and don't carry condoms in their bags.

However, the risk of getting pregnant in a casual relationship also exists, so it is essential to provide condoms (which also protect against STDs) or, ultimately, the morning after pill.

4. Relying on the method of withdrawal

The warning is old, but still valid: Interrupted coitus is not an effective method to prevent pregnancy, as its failure rate is 4% (40 times higher than the pill).

This is because man cannot always control the timing of ejaculation and because the lubricating fluid released by the penis before orgasm may contain a small amount of sperm that are already able to fertilize the egg.

Also read: 12 Factors That Affect Female Fertility And You Didn't Imagine

5. Use oil based lubricants or any other oily product

Oil-based lubricants can dissolve condom latex and cause it to break. Precisely for this reason, these products are almost no longer found in the market.

Another mistake is in the use of "natural" ingredients, such as coconut oil or mineral oil, which have the same detrimental effect on the material that makes up the condom. Thus, the best options are water-based or silicone lubricants, which do not cause this problem.

6. Put the condom in the middle of penetration

The habit of letting things roll and putting on condoms only after penetration has begun can also result in a pregnancy if you do not use another contraceptive method.

As with interrupted intercourse, fertilization can occur because the lubricating fluid that leaves the penis before ejaculation already contains sperm.

7. Not using a postpartum contraceptive method

There is a great chance that breastfeeding will protect you from a new pregnancy, but it is not a surefire method. This protective effect usually only happens if breastfeeding is exclusive and lasts up to six months after birth (provided your period has not yet returned).

Also read: 3 Types of Remedies That Can Cut the Contraceptive Effect

In this case, it is worth talking to your doctor about the best way to avoid a new pregnancy, especially while you are breastfeeding.

8. Think you are past the age of getting pregnant

As they approach their 40s, many women believe they are no longer likely to become pregnant. But as long as you menstruate, even if your cycles are irregular, it can happen. Thus, the use of contraceptive methods should be continued.

9. Take certain types of medication while using pill

Some classes of medications are able to reduce the effect of the birth control pill because of its action on the liver and stomach and intestine walls, modifying the way our bodies metabolize and absorb synthetic hormones.

These medications include some antibiotics (especially rifampicin), antimycotics, barbiturates, anticonvulsants, and natural remedies (especially St. John's wort).

Therefore, before using any medicine, always ask your doctor or pharmacist if there is any interaction with the birth control pill. During treatment and seven days after treatment, condom use is recommended to prevent possible pregnancy.

Read also: 38 Contraceptive Questions Answered by Gynecologists

It is also important to remember that condoms are the only method that protects against sexually transmitted diseases, so it should be used in all relationships, regardless of other contraceptive measures.

If you have questions about the effectiveness of the contraceptive method you are using or are not currently using any, be sure to consult your gynecologist for a better informed decision. Pregnancy is wonderful, but only when you are ready for it.

Female fertility animation (April 2024)

  • Contraceptive methods
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