Correct food in old age

At third AgeFollowing a proper diet is essential to maintain good health and prevent the emergence of diseases that are very common at this stage of life. Older people should make a change in their eating habits, always controlling the consumption of certain foods and supplementing with others that can meet the body's needs by providing protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals.

Malnutrition in older people can be the result of multiple factors such as difficulty swallowing solid food, loss or loss of sight, smell and taste, lack of teeth and poorly fitting old prostheses, problems such as depression, loneliness, lack of desire to cooking, loss of appetite due to the use of many medications and even reduced economic conditions.

In addition, most older people are more obese, as they no longer have that energy from before physical activity or even a simple walk, so the energy requirement of the body ends up reducing and the body gaining more fat.

These factors eventually interfere in the daily lives of older people and can cause more serious health problems in some cases.

Therefore, to maintain health at this stage of life, it is essential to eat a correct and complete diet, always balancing consumption and eating the recommended foods daily.

Meals should be healthier, with low volume foods and concentrated calories. In addition feeding in old age It should be made up of foods rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. To avoid the increase in body fat that can cause health problems, you must follow a controlled diet and avoid excessive consumption of high calorie and fatty foods.

Due to the difficulty in chewing and digesting food at this age, it is recommended that dishes be prepared in versions that are easy to chew, swallow and digest. It is important to highlight that, with the decrease of some sensory capacities, over time the elderly person tends to consume an excessive amount of sweet or salty foods, which can contribute to hypertension.

Decreased smell and sight also contribute to the elderly prefer stronger foods or in more extreme cases may cause loss of appetite. To avoid malnutrition and health problems, here are some more tips on how to correct nutrition in old age.

Tips for eating well in old age

To have a healthy diet, it is essential that the elderly have a balanced diet in protein, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamins and minerals are also important as they act as antioxidants, regulate body functions and prevent the onset of disease.

The dishes should be healthy and very nutritious and tasty. They should be rich in vegetables, legumes, cereals, flaxseed, protein and fiber-rich regulators. Healthy fats can be consumed through Brazil nuts, almonds, avocados and olive oil. Saturated fats such as fried foods and sweets should be avoided as much as possible. Fruits are also very important and bring many benefits to the health in old age, such as optimal bowel function

Older people do not feel very thirsty, but hydration of the body is also crucial to keep them always more active and with well functioning organs. Ideally, consume six to eight glasses of water a day. Some alternatives are natural unsweetened soy or fruit juices and various varieties of herbal tea. The milk should not be left out of the menu, but in the skim and soy versions, because they have little amount of fat.

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