8 (debunked) hair myths

Much is said about what is good for hair, what should be avoided and what are the best practices for always having beautiful hair. But some of these beliefs already rooted as true are but myths. Understand why these hair beliefs are not the best expression of the truth about the beauty of your hair.

Myth 1: Oily Hair Doesn't Need Conditioner

Who has oily hair should not stop using conditioner, this is a myth. Oily hair also needs hydration, but it must be properly conditioned.

Ideally, in these cases, wash the oily root thoroughly with an anti-residue shampoo and the ends with a normal shampoo. After that, the conditioner should be applied only from the middle to the ends and never at the root, as this could make the root even more oily.

Myth 2: Shampoo and conditioner must be changed frequently

The popular belief that hair gets used to it With certain products and that it is necessary to change brands and types from time to time is just a myth. What really happens is an accumulation of waste, which these products leave in the hair, making it difficult to realize their long-term results.

So before you go shopping for a new shampoo or conditioner, try shampooing your hair with an anti-residue shampoo and you may again realize the effect of your favorite products on your hair.

Myth # 3: Combing Hair From Root To End

Although many claim that hair should be combed from root to tip, this is also just a myth. If you comb your hair in this way, when it is still wet, it may break or even cloud over.

Prefer to start at the ends, untangling gently and slowly up to the root. This way you avoid damaging or breaking the wires.

Myth 4: Cutting hair makes it grow faster

Cutting out the bad spots on your hair regularly makes your hair look healthier and stronger, but it doesn't make it grow faster. Normal hair growth is independent of whether you cut it or not.

However, healthy hair may look longer because the ends are well defined and beautiful. Taking this into consideration, it is worth visiting your hairdresser every two to three months to maintain the health and beauty of your hair.

Myth 5: Pregnant Women Can't Dye Their Hair

In fact, the main problem related to hair chemicals is formaldehyde. Should formaldehyde products be avoided by all women? pregnant or not. Although non-formaldehyde dyes can be used even by pregnant women, as a precaution, dyeing your hair during the first three months of pregnancy can be avoided.

After this period, if you want to dye your hair, prefer more natural products such as henna-based dyes without the addition of formaldehyde. However, it is noteworthy that most straightenings contain formaldehyde and should be avoided by pregnant women.

Myth 6: Nothing Can Change Your Hair's Natural Texture

The texture of the hair can change yes. Some have wavy hair and suddenly it changes and becomes smoother or even curly. The texture of your hair can be influenced by the growth, the medications you take and also your eating habits. In addition, your hair may become thinner and damaged as a result of stress and hormonal disorders.

Myth 7: Mayonnaise and Olive Oil to Moisturize Yarn

While this blend may be an economical alternative to moisturizing some hair types, it can also have disastrous results for other types of hair. If you have thin, loose hair you may end up leaving your hair greasy and heavy.

The good news is that if you have thick, well-dried yarn, you can benefit from blending. The tip is to apply a tablespoon of mayonnaise or olive oil to clean and damp hair, concentrating the application on the ends of the strands. Let the product work for thirty minutes and wash with shampoo. This way your hair can be more hydrated and healthy looking.

Myth 8: All wires grow equally

Wicks grow differently on each body part and even on the head. Each strand is at a different stage of growth and so it is so difficult to keep the cut straight when you just cut it.

A Hair Scientist Debunks 6 Common Myths About Hair (April 2024)

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