5 Tips To Improve A Lonely Marriage

Although it seems contradictory, many married people are lonely. Lonely marriages are difficult to change because loneliness causes your? Muscles? relationships eventually atrophy and you settle down. To improve the quality of your relationship, you have to strengthen these muscles. Doing this requires practice and patience, but it will make a significant difference in the quality of your marital bond. Below is a list of five actions that can improve these cases:

  1. Take the initiative. If you are lonely, chances are your partner is feeling that way too. Try to start conversations about subjects that fascinate you and show that you are listening and trying to understand.
  2. Do not expect change to be rapid. Many habits are difficult to change, so keep acting lovingly and eventually your partner will do so too. When this happens, remember to positively reinforce such gestures: praise and show how much you appreciate these gestures.
  3. Recall experiences you shared. Watch your wedding video or review travel photos. This will make you both remember happy times when you were closer.
  4. Do simple activities together. Like walking around the block or the park, cooking a meal together or looking at old photos together.
  5. Try to understand your partner's point of view. The longer you are married, the more likely you are to think you know what the other person is thinking, and you are probably wrong. To understand your spouse's point of view, take a few minutes to imagine his or her world. Having a greater understanding of your partner's thoughts and feelings will allow you to express more empathy and understanding, and this will begin to restore the mutual bond.

Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU (May 2024)

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