Enjoy the weightless barbecue in your stomach or conscience

Do you know what barbecue, feijoada, pizza and other heavy dishes have in common? It is that whenever you eat in any quantity, besides weighing in your stomach, always end up weighing in your conscience. And we have to agree that whenever we are invited to enjoy any of these delights, it is almost impossible to control our mouth by eating until we are satisfied. As these are not dishes we eat every day, we always end up enjoying a little more.

And the pain in our conscience almost always comes with a certain malaise and indisposition that contributes to increase our sense of guilt. This is because fatty foods are often harder to digest. In addition to taking longer to process, fat molecules require the stomach to produce more acids, but not always enough to digest all the fat, which causes the food to reach the duodenum before be completely digested.

So you can enjoy your barbecue better without suffering from indigestion, we have prepared some tips. With such a variety of meat and tasty side dishes, it's hard to resist taking a little home, but with a little discipline, you can enjoy your barbecue better without feeling bad later.

1 ? Before leaving for meat, prefer to start with salads by making a well-prepared dish with green leaves, vinaigrette, vegetables and vegetables seasoned with olive oil. This technique increases the feeling of satiety and helps flush out the toxins present in meat intake.

2 ? Choose well the meat you will consume, if you can not identify, it is worth asking the barbecue. Cuts such as titty, rump steak, filet mignon and skirt steak are lighter than the irresistible picanha, which even when we remove the apparent fat, it still has fat between the fibers, as well as the termite, rib and pork sausages. If your barbecue has options like roast chicken or fish, you can rest easy to eat these meats, as they have a lower fat level than red meats and are easier to digest.

3? Barbecue is all about beer and that caipirinha, but if you don't want to attack your stomach, control the intake of this and any other type of alcohol and soda, as even the lights have high concentrations of chemicals. The ideal is to accompany the barbecue with natural juices, but if you can not resist a beer, for example, interspersed with glasses of water or juice to prevent dehydration.

4? At dessert time, avoid overloading your body with sweets such as mousses, pies, quindins, pavés and other delicacies that are often greasy and not good company for a barbecue. Prefer fruits such as pineapple that besides healthy contribute to the process of digestion of proteins and fats.

5? In the steak house, avoid choosing side dishes like french fries, fried dumplings, rice and breads in the same dish. Just prefer one type of carbohydrate and if you want more than one, help yourself in small amounts.

6? Eat slowly and chew well, especially meat to stimulate the stomach to produce the acids needed for food digestion and accelerate metabolism.

7? After a day of excess, the next day, the ideal is to take it easy and treat the stomach with affection. To detoxify the body, drink plenty of water and consume less carbohydrates and abuse the vitamin C rich citrus fruits, fiber and dark leaves, which have antioxidant function. Those who are adept at teas can relieve the feeling of a full stomach and fluid retention by drinking hibiscus and porangaba tea.

To avoid indigestion in any situation, the tip is to avoid overdoing it. By eating sparingly and properly, you will always be ready to enjoy all barbecues, feijoadas, pizzas and any other culinary events elegantly and without fault.

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