10 smart habits for an always clean and tidy home

When it comes to cleanliness and organization, every woman has some customs. However, it is also important to cherish some habits that make the house always less messy, which will make it easier to clean and tidy up. These practices can and should be adopted by everyone who lives in the house and will help you save time on cleaning, check it out.

1 ? Each thing in its place

This is an organization rule that can be used for everything. When using a comb or brush put it back in its place. When cleaning, put everything back in place. This way you avoid having to pack up everything in between before or during cleaning.

2 ? Take off your shoes

Even when the shoes are apparently clean, they still carry impurities and dust that comes from the street and the places they passed. Not to mention on rainy days, when the shoes can get muddy.

Removing your shoes before you go home also avoids bringing bacteria into your home and helps lessen the dirt on the floor, making your cleaning easier and faster.

3? Use the vacuum cleaner and the broom to your advantage

If you do the cleaning once or twice a week, the other days try to keep the rooms clean without accumulating dirt by doing a few small cleanings. Vacuum or sweep a room a day and you will see how cleaning becomes more practical.

4? Cleaning the bathroom while showering

While showering, try to pour warm water on the walls so that the dirt gradually subsides and never accumulates. Some products like hair conditioner may stick together and are difficult to remove when dry. So pour water on the walls before leaving the box and remove hair that is down the drain to keep the place clean.

5? Keep sinks clean and dry

Both the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink when dirty give the impression that the whole house is dirty. Therefore, whenever you use them, pour some running water to remove the thicker dirt and to prevent the accumulation of dust or product and food debris.
Watch out for leftover toothpaste in the bathroom sink and leftover food that can accumulate and stick to the kitchen sink. The sooner they are removed, the easier it will be to remove such dirt.

6? Food and drinks only in the kitchen

Avoid eating in places other than the kitchen or dining room to make it easier to see the dirt and clean up after the meal. Eating and drinking on the living room couch, for example, can leave some tracks that make it difficult to clean. Make it a habit to always clean where you ate and your home will be clean longer.

7? Never leave today's dishes for tomorrow

Letting the dishes accumulate overnight may seem very tempting when you are tired, but in addition to calling cockroaches, this habit makes you take longer to clean. Washing the dishes on the same day prevents the food from drying out and getting hard on plates, cutlery and pans. Therefore: ate, washed.

8? Care when cooking

Having a special whim when chopping tomatoes or stirring the sauce in the pan are habits that avoid messing up your kitchen. Try not to cut food or stir it in the pan too sharply so that it does not spill over the stove, the sink and the wall of your kitchen. If this happens, clean immediately while still easy.

9? Watch out for minor accidents

Some slips like dropping water when watering a plant, dropping water from the hair on the floor when leaving the bath and dropping sugar in the cupboard when opening the pot are completely preventable. Care and care when doing things at home help you to prevent these minor accidents that can make your home dirty.

10? Orient who lives with you

Finally, these suggestions may not do much good if you follow them, but the other householders do not. Therefore, seek to guide them and encourage these intelligent habits. This way, your home is always clean and tidy and you spend less time struggling to remove dirt and organize the mess.


  • Cleaning
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