Fake Diet Friends Foods

The first attitude of those in the scheme is to make a list with foods that may or may not be consumed without concern. After all, selecting what goes on your plate is the basic rule for eating properly and not earning the extra pounds. But there are foods that appear to be beneficial to the diet but actually do a great deal of harm when it comes to food control.

Grain bars and so-called cream cracker biscuits, for example, should be eaten moderately and carefully. According to nutritionist Gabriela Marcelino, it is necessary to evaluate mainly the nutritional values ​​of each product. "In some brands the content of sodium and fat is in excess," he explains.

For those who believe that white cheeses can be consumed without worry, beware: some brands vary considerably the values ​​of fat and calories, which ultimately change the calorie values ​​of the diet. Therefore it is recommended to opt for the light versions.

Another important factor is also to carefully observe the labels of each food. Buying with the promise that it does not get fat can be fatal to the diet imbalance. Nothing beats reading and comparing the nutritional components that are on the back of each product.

In the case of drinks, redouble care with "zero" soft drinks. Depending on the brand, it contains excess sodium, harming blood pressure and being responsible for the famous swellings in the body.

Invest in natural juices without adding sugar. Some fruits like strawberry, pineapple and watermelon, for example, are already naturally sweet.

Gabriela lists some apparently healthy and weight-bearing attitudes that are actually harmful to health and compromise the diet. Check out:

Skip Breakfast: Most people believe skipping the first meal of the day is an effective way to lose weight. But be aware that without it, there is a lack of protein and carbohydrates that your body needs to maintain daily health.

Stop lunch or dinner: Your body needs nutrients, fiber and vitamins that only in a balanced diet and guided by a nutritionist can you have the components necessary for health. So no skipping meals.

Follow the "fad diets": Whether the moon diet, the diet of points or others that are oriented to eliminate certain types of food are completely harmful to the body and nothing contributes to weight reduction. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the nutritionist, who will guide the best menu for your body type, and talk about what foods you should or should not eat on a daily basis.


  • Food, Diets, Weight Loss
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