Fish oil helps take care of the heart and can prevent depression

Fish oil is well known for its health benefits. When we talk about this oil, we soon remember omega 3, the biggest responsible for the benefits of the product. Fish oil, as the name implies - is sourced from salty and cold-water fish such as Salmon, Tuna and Sardines, ”explains Dr. Andrea Marim, a nutritionist.

Omega 3, besides being naturally found in the fish mentioned, is also found synthesized in capsules, being the most practical way to consume fish oil on a daily basis and ensure health benefits.

Skin, heart disease, asthma, depression and hypertension are some examples of conditions that promise to be improved with regular consumption. The product has also been used as an anti-inflammatory and some studies say it can also be used to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

All of these advantages depend on the quality and correct use of this product. Understand more about fish oil, find out if it has contraindications and how to consume it by reading more about it:

5 Benefits Of Fish Oil

The benefits of this oil are mainly omega 3, a fatty acid present in large amounts in this product. The body is not able to produce omega 3, so eating fish oil is a way to ensure the presence of this good fat in the body. With the help of Dr. Andrea Marim, we list below the main benefits of fish oil, check it out:

Read also: Omega-3: fat that protects the heart and is allied with good health

1. Reduces the risk of heart attack and heart disease.

The oil decreases blood platelet activity, preventing blood clots, which can lead to a stroke or stroke. It also lowers triglyceride levels, fat that is bad for the body when it is elevated.

2. Helps mental health

Some studies say that eating fish oil can prevent depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

3. Lowers cholesterol

The fatty acids in fish oil alter the chemical composition of the blood, lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

4. Take care of eye health

Fish oil helps to prevent cellular degeneration of these organs and consequently also helps to prevent dry eye syndrome.

5. Can prevent some cancers

Some research shows that omega 3, present in fish oils, helps prevent some cancers. Breast, colon and prostate cancer are some diseases that can be prevented with oil consumption.

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How to choose a quality fish oil?

It is important to remember that to get the benefits of this product you need to consume a quality fish oil. Dr. Andrea gives some tips for choosing the right fish oil:

  • Observe if the product has vitamin E, because this vitamin will act as an antioxidant, thus preventing the oxidation of the oil and maintaining the quality of the product. However, the amount of vitamin E cannot be counted as a supplement, as it is only a technical adjunct to the product;
  • Check the amount of EPA and DHA per capsule. EPA and DHA are the active compounds in fish oil and the portion of their product that will give it the expected effect;
  • The relationship of EPA and omega 6 (arachidonic acid). Ideally, this ratio should be 20% EPA to 1% arachidonic acid (AA). Unfortunately not all labels specify the amount of AA;
  • An extremely important point, which not all labels bring, is to observe if the product is free of environmental contaminants: PCBs, mercury and dioxins;
  • It is also good to observe if the capsule is intestinal release, so that you avoid having that fish taste in your mouth for the rest of the day.

A very simple and valid test for omega 3 in purchased fish oil is to try to freeze the product. • Good quality omega 3 does not freeze at very low temperatures. Try freezing your fish oil if remaining liquid is a good quality product? Recommends the nutritionist.

How to consume fish oil

The main way to consume fish oil is by ingesting synthesized fish oil capsules. After following the tips of Dr.Andrea On how to get a quality fish oil, you should also pay attention to the daily amounts needed to observe the benefits of this product in the body.

As for the amount: "Just take a 1 g capsule containing 600 mg of omega 3 twice a day before main meals, lunch and dinner," recommends the nutritionist. Dr. Andrea also ensures that the use of fish oil can be continuous, thereby extending the benefits.

Does fish oil have any side effects?

As fish oil is a natural product and the omega 3 present in the composition is indispensable for the body, it has no side effects or contraindications. It is only necessary to follow the correct quantities of consumption. "You have to be careful with the excess, because excessive consumption can cause diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramps," warns Dr. Andrea.

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Can fish oil be used for weight loss?

The answer is yes. "Fish oil, combined with a balanced diet, can show results in weight loss in just 30 days," says Dr. Andrea. The nutritionist also said that according to studies from the University of South Australia, omega 3 in fish oil, along with moderate exercise three times a week, can help eliminate fat, especially fat in the abdominal region.

Now that you know good reasons to include fish oil in your daily life, be sure to purchase quality fish oil as per the tips and respect the amounts consumed. If you have any questions, visiting a nutritionist is critical.

Fish oil to fight depression (May 2024)

  • Diet, Weight Loss
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