Fear that imprisons versus fear that frees in the upbringing of children

If you ask me today what is the worst feeling for me, I would surely answer: fear. I think other very bad feelings such as anguish, anxiety and guilt are caused to some extent by fear.

There is no scientific proof whether he is biological, a natural characteristic of a human being, or socially and culturally learned. However, this feeling is part of our daily lives as children, only transforming their motivations over time.

Childhood is the period when the child begins to discover the world from interactions with his environment. At first, the baby seeks to know the possibilities of its little body and establish, through it and in an evolutionary way, relationship with its external world, which involves people and things. A clear example is when the baby discovers that by pushing an object he is able to pick up another that was not within his reach.

In this phase of constant exploration and discovery? especially when developing gait and speech? Parents often direct their children with guidelines such as: “beware that you will fall!”, “do not put your finger in the shocking socket!” intended to protect them. Guidance for caution is necessary for children to begin to understand their limits to the world around them and to gradually develop their own defense mechanisms.

As they grow, the guidelines change. High negative phrases like "be careful what you do!", "Won't get me in trouble", "don't be silly?" become very common in the relationship between parents and children. This form of excessive? Orientation? parents, driven by their over-exaggerated fear? that most of the time do not match the reality, even risk saying? It is often responsible for the formation of children and young people with a high degree of this feeling, which can lead to emotional and social difficulties in adulthood.

So, an important tip: in the day to day, be aware if you are not exaggerating in caution, the famous? Is for your good!?. To orient is to dialogue, to present ways, possibilities, to trust.

The child is not an empty box that only receives information. She needs protection and guidance, but she is a thinking being, has her own desires and the ability to understand, to some extent, what is good for her or not.

In addition, the child likes to be afraid to some extent. Generates adrenaline, feeling of adventure and desire for overcoming. Therefore, if not exaggerated, fear is also beneficial for her healthy emotional development. Through this feeling she can develop the ability to face and overcome challenges, which is of utmost importance to her life and her future.

A child who lives in an environment where she is encouraged to dare and has the opportunity to face situations on her own? consciously and within its limits, is it worth mentioning? and relationships based on reassurance, dialogue and mutual trust better develops your self-confidence, sense of responsibility and autonomy, and you are increasingly prepared to deal with new situations throughout your life.


  • Children and adolescents
  • 1,230