How to have a beautiful and organized baby room

THE baby arrival It's a special time for Mom and the whole family. What a delight to start thinking about setting up the little room! Choosing the style, color of furniture and wall is a unique experience and can be very delicious when made with love and care. After all, we want to give him the best reception in the world.

No matter what the style (my favorite for girls is the Provencal). There is also no rule to follow. But surely you will be concerned about comfort, well-being, functionality and organization. We already know that everything is easier and more beautiful when it is in order. So here are some tips on how to have a beautiful and organized baby room:

First, unleash the creativity. It's time to eliminate ready-made formulas and fads in search of something more personalized and enjoyable for everyone.

Colors ? They make the room happy. But be careful not to use too strong colors because it impairs the tranquility and sleep of the baby. Give preference to pastel colors.

Acrylic paints are most recommended because they best resist the action of sun and rain. Children's motif and soft wallpaper is another good alternative. The rest of the decoration should match the color of the wall.

Furniture ? There are many companies that only make rooms designed according to the taste of parents. Usually a project takes about 40 calendar days to complete. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to plan well in advance so that the baby's room is ready by seven months of gestation. This way, the future mom can enjoy the last months of pregnancy quietly and with enough time to wash, store all the baby's clothes and put the finishing touches.

If you're going to combine the planned with other furniture, study the dimensions of the room in question well, so as not to make the mistake of buying too big or too small furniture. Some precautions are important because soon your puppy will be crawling and walking: the edges of the furniture should be rounded and the outlets protected. On windows, install safety net (change every five years). Shelves should be away from the crib.

Floor? Vinyl flooring is the most suitable for not accumulating dust.

Carpet? A good tip is those of anti-allergic material and easy to wash. The rug gives the feeling of coziness in the environment.

Functionality ? One has to think about the comfort and practicality of those who will take care of the baby. For this, the decoration should be as practical as possible. Example: The dumpster should be close to the changer, the changer should be of a height appropriate to its size to prevent future back pain. Remember to have a place for the toilet kit and organizers nearby for diapers, change of clothes, thermos etc. A place for dirty clothes is also critical.

Single bed ? It's important if you have a baby-sitter who can sleep next to him or if you need it yourself. Open armchairs are an alternative. It is important to get the baby used to sleeping in his own room. If you have to sleep there for the first few months it will be easier to leave the room of the child, which will be acclimated.

Armchair ? It is important that it is comfortable for breastfeeding and made of easy to clean fabric. The mother should be able to place the sole of the foot on the floor and the entire back to the backrest and should have armrests to help hold the baby. A footstool can help in comfort. The breast-feeding corner should have soft lighting and a small table next to the armchair so that the mother can place objects such as water jug ​​and glass, clock etc.

Wardrobe ? closed with shelves and drawers with locks so that they do not fall on the heads of the little ones when they begin to crawl. If you can have acrylic partitions made in some drawers to better accommodate clothes and objects.

Bookcase and shelves? Great for storing toys and organizers.

Niches? If you can have them, they are great organizers and decorate the decor.

Objects for decoration? Pets, books, boxes and other decorations can be bought and brought home on time. Bring them all together and choose the ones that best match the colors and style of the future room. Instead of stuffed animals choose microfiber or cotton antiallergics. Accessories must be washable and sturdy.

Lighting? It is advisable for the environment to have indirect light, so it is good to opt for a lamp or dimmer. If you have niches, you can adopt the LED system, which provides cool, timely and economical lighting. By day, you should take advantage of natural light and keep the window open to ventilate the room.

Baby crib ? It should have different heights for the mattress and a lowering side. There are several criteria to consider. One is the size of the furniture. The most common follows the American standard: 1.30 m long by 70 cm wide. But beware: this measure refers only to the inside of the crib and serves as a reference for the mattress.

Another slightly smaller option is the national crib, whose standard is 1.30 m by 60 cm. You can also order a custom piece. You can have an organizer made to attach to the crib feet, it is very useful.

Tissues? You can order custom made quilts, cradle protector kits, changing pads and pillows or buy ready-to-sell models. This is where new colors can come in that match the tones of the wall. Use 100% cotton sheets as they are fresh and accumulate less dust.

Curtain ? Are cotton curtains or bank voile easy to wash and break the bright light without completely darkening? It is not a rule. Put a blackout behind for bedtime.

Sound equipment ? They are interesting in this room, because the music is good for the baby, soothes and gives pleasure.


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