30 Bugs You Can Eat Without Fear

Around the world, the preparation of insects and larvae to eat is very common, some are even served as true delicacies, with sauces, others are served as popcorn. Fried, boiled, raw, baked, with side dishes or with other dishes, the little pets that often give distress can be true allies, full of nutrients and vitamins. Check out the list of 30 insects, larvae and arachnids you can eat without fear:

  1. Agave Worm
  2. Honeypot ants
  3. Leaf-cutting ants
  4. Lemon ants
  5. Bamboo Worm
  6. Bees
  7. Centipedes
  8. Cockroaches
  9. Crickets
  10. Cicadas
  11. Dragonflies
  12. Scarab
  13. earthworm
  14. Fly Pupa
  15. Flying ants
  16. Praying mantis
  17. Horn worm? Tomato
  18. Jumiles
  19. Soy Coró
  20. Grasshopper
  21. Louse
  22. Mopani Larva
  23. Tenebrio Larva
  24. Mosquito
  25. Nsenene
  26. Bed bugs
  27. Sago Caterpillars
  28. Silkworm
  29. Scorpions
  30. Tarantulas

Some places even offer recipes for the preparation of delicacies. What do you think of dishes prepared with these little creatures that are usually more frightening than whet your appetite?

June bug facts you might not know (April 2024)

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