6 Things You Shouldn't Tell Anyone

If you have never had the experience of revealing to the whole world a very good thing that was virtually right, and soon after, had to tell you that something went wrong and the plans were canceled, lucky you!

It's not pleasant having to deal with the questions, the pitying looks and the disguised giggles of someone who isn't exactly your fan, so to speak. Unfortunately, not everyone really likes us and wants our success, so we need to learn to safeguard certain information, such as the following six:

1. The troubles and difficulties of your family

First of all, keep in mind that a family problem is not just yours, but a whole group of people. Thus, by revealing to an outsider what is happening, you expose the intimacy of who might prefer to be preserved.

Another delicate aspect is that often fights within the family are soon overcome, but an outsider may get the wrong impression. Do you know that story that only you can talk bad about your brother? Then, by revealing a discussion you have had, the other person may end up making unpleasant comments about him in the future, as he does not know how his family is working and has no way of knowing that everything is fine.

Of course this tip is only for misunderstandings without many consequences, even if you got upset. In case of abuse of any kind or other situation that puts your safety at risk, you should seek help.

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2. The sacrifices you make to reach a goal

Yes, you can be proud to go to the gym every day instead of getting a few extra hours of sleep or to refuse a night out with your friends writing your project. However, be careful not to look like you consider yourself to be above others for making so many sacrifices or that you would like to be treated especially because you are so struggling.

Making a few sacrifices is part of the path to achieving a goal, so you have to make them without victimizing yourself and letting the four winds know how you deprive yourself of the good things in life. Take it easy: When success comes, people will ask how you did it and then you can tell about how you struggled.

3. Your planning for the future

Maybe you dream of relocating in a few years, starting a startup or having four kids. All of this may make a lot of sense to you now, but life presents us with new possibilities and we may eventually change our mind. So it may be best not to go out telling your long-term plans to anyone, as you risk being charged for something that no longer makes sense to you.

Also, can some people feel entitled to give their opinion? often unpleasant? about your goals, filling them with flaws and putting you down. This does not mean that you cannot discuss your plans with trusted people, but it is better to choose well with whom to share them.

4. Compromising Facts of Others

Did you find out that the industry coordinator has an affair with her brother-in-law or that her on-screen neighbor actually owes horrors at the bakery? As much as this information is good gossip, the best thing to do is not to pass it on. After all, you wouldn't want them to do this to you, right?

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Commenting on the faults and missteps of others ends up saying more about ourselves than about these people, so is it better not to waste time analyzing other people's character deviations? unless, of course, the behavior in question is putting us at risk.

5. Past grudges you still carry

Everyone goes through bad experiences and bears the marks of these episodes for the rest of their lives. However, instead of bringing out all the resentment of repeating the story for the thousandth time to someone else, you will feel better if you try to see what you have learned from it all.

Brooding over the past resurrects negative energies that block your way forward. Therefore, if you need to talk about this, it may be more appropriate to talk to a therapist who can help you overcome the problem.

6. The good things you do

Do you know that story that the right hand doesn't need to know what the left hand did? It refers precisely to our good deeds. Spending time with an NGO, donating to an asylum, or helping a specific person is commendable, but it is wise to think carefully before disclosing it to anyone.

People who do not know you well may find that you are trying to show off by doing a good deed, taking the focus off your beautiful attitude and causing the wrong view of your intentions. It would be best if everyone just aimed at the good example you set and also did their part to make the world a little better, but unfortunately that is not the case.

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Not everyone will understand your motives in revealing a fact, whether good or bad. So when it comes to a more sensitive subject or one that may cause misunderstanding about yourself or others involved, it may be safer to preserve yourself. Talk about these things only to people you have complete confidence in.

6 Things you should never tell a man (April 2024)

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