8 tips for dealing with overly critical people

Too critical people are those who can't see anything positive about people and things. They criticize all angry attitudes and are even stricter when it comes to their opinion of themselves.

Certainly this is very bad for the person who is like this, but the worst is that it also affects who lives with that person, who ends up absorbing negativity and suffering a wave of discouragement, low self-esteem and so on? until a possible depression.

Because of this bad influence they can have on other people's emotions, who is too critical to be called by some energy vampire? because this person ends up sucking? all that is happy about each other.

Imagine that person who is already insecure to hear someone make a strong criticism about him? This further discourages those who are no longer very excited.

To help lessen the effects of these people on others, we've selected eight suggestions on how to deal with overly critical people so you can learn to live with them without being so affected by your comments.

1 ? Don't take it personally

Usually people who are overly critical are like this with everyone else they relate to. So there is no reason to take these criticisms personally. If this person always seems to be strongly discouraging you and strongly criticizing everything you say, be sure that they do the same to others.

When in doubt, take a test. Try to witness a person's conversation with another person and see if they are too critical in this situation as well. So nothing to take these comments personally.

2 ? Understand messages objectively

So that what you hear from this type of person doesn't hurt you, you need to listen to these messages objectively without trying to relate feeling to them. Instead of noticing how the person is saying something, pay attention to exactly what they mean.

This way, instead of listening and reacting, you hear and get the correct message that the person wanted to convey. For example, if a friend who is like this answers to you that your outfit is not pretty or matching, it does not necessarily mean that she is trying to offend you by saying that you do not understand anything about fashion.

When someone makes extremely dry and straightforward comments, do not see this as an offense, but understand that this is the way that person uses to communicate and may even be the only way he or she can master communicating.

3? Consider this person a source of true feedback.

In general, too critical people can be a source of sincere opinion. If you don't like something, surely you won't hide it from anyone? even knowing they can hurt someone. Therefore, these people can be a good source of true feedback.

4? Find out why certain comments shake you

When something hurts you, go to the root of the problem. If someone criticized your look and you were offended, was it really because of what they said or your own opinion about your look has been shaken? Find out what your weaknesses are? your Achilles heel? and invest in recovering your image of yourself. This will make it easier not to be hit by these comments and criticisms.

5? Don't ask for opinions if you're not ready to listen

One thing is certain: If you ask too many critics for your opinion, you have to be strong to face the answer. If you are already unsure about it, it is best to leave it to ask someone else. Because a negative comment about something that is already uncertain can cause a disastrous result.

6? Don't value criticism so much

People often place a high value on the opinions of others, and when it comes to the opinions of those close to them, the value is even higher. But when it comes to the opinions of those close but too critical, this value assignment can have a serious impact on your life.

Over-valuing the opinions of overly critical people can lead you to believe that you have nothing good, that everything in the world is negative and that you should not invest in any attempt? After all, what these people do most is to discourage each other's ideas and wishes.

Considering this, even if the person is someone you love very much, try not to value that person's opinion so much? especially about you. And invest in yourself, believe in yourself and put the criticism aside a bit.

7? Be kind to people like that

These people are not so critical because they are happy to make negative comments about everything and everyone, they are so because they have such unhappiness inside that they believe it is impossible to find anything good in the world.And the fact that they are always criticizing everything makes it a snowball, because the more she criticizes herself, the more she destroys her image of herself. And the more she criticizes others, the more she destroys the hope that humans can have to be happy.

In view of this, we can see that these people do not need to be judged further, they already judge themselves to be overly rigid. They need affection, affection, and others to show them that there are wonderful things to discover about life.

8? Avoid extremely critical people

If even with all this advice you feel that you are still badly affected by their comments and criticism, it is best to ignore them. If you can't get along with those who are too critical without being influenced by their negativity, it's best to even walk away from them and avoid talking to them.

But if you don't intend to move away from someone because you love him or her, invest in positive attitudes and encourage a more positive view of the world. Combat criticism with praise, can it? Disarm? the overly critical person and help them get along better with others.

How To Deal With Critical People: 8 Helpful Tips | PersonalExcellence.co (April 2024)

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