25 Things We Should Know At 25

Turning 25, for some people, raises questions about the ways ahead, whether in personal or professional life. There is advice that is always valid at any time and at any age. Here's a list of 25 things you need to know:

  1. Most of the time, we know nothing about the things in life, whether it's 15 or 65. But you certainly know how to be a good person and how to follow your heart. Keep doing this.
  2. Spend less time on the internet, this is a waste of time.
  3. If you don't know how to cook a healthy meal yet, learn it. Your body doesn't like things that are bad for you.
  4. Have more responsibility when consuming alcohol, you are no longer 15 years.
  5. Always remember to love your body as it is, the legs, your eyes, the smile, all this has been your family's heritage for generations.
  6. Be grateful for that moment when you decided to stop being an idiot and let your guard down to fall in love and let someone fall in love with you.
  7. Be sure to venture out. Travel the world whenever time and money permit. These experiences are amazing and soul-filling.
  8. Have time for your parents. They may live many years, but they are not eternal. So enjoy the time you spend with them, try to meet them as an adult child and realize that they still have a lot to teach.
  9. In fact, have time for everyone in your life. There are many people who love you, be thankful. Don't become someone always too busy.
  10. Take care of your posture. It will hurt a lot more when you reach 70.
  11. Stop grumbling. Life has bad phases and it will continue to happen, but it is part. Be grateful for what you have and become stronger.
  12. Stop comparing yourself. You are you and you are good as you are.
  13. Don't worry too much about work. It's boring, but you have to make money. Try to make the world a better place and do not get stuck with finding a job.
  14. Write. Sometimes the things you write will be more powerful than you can imagine.
  15. Always keep on living the life you want to live, don't grow old alone, sitting down unless that's what you decided you want.
  16. Have a plan, but remember that it's okay to get a little out of the way.
  17. Do not sell yourself! You are better than that.
  18. Learn from the mistakes of your family members, but also from their success and the wonderful people they have become. And thank you.
  19. Be fearless and brave. You are no longer a child who was afraid of being in the dark or going down the stairs. Do not forget that.
  20. Even if you really want to have a pet dog, wait. Think carefully if you can take care of it.
  21. The same goes for the children. Just wait. You will certainly be a great mom, but it doesn't have to be anytime soon.
  22. Read more books. Blogs are good, sites are great, but be sure to turn off your computer every once in a while and pick up a book or newspaper.
  23. Believe in something bigger than you, even if you don't understand. It may be God or the universe, the important thing is to believe in something, because when all else fails, what remains is the faith that everything will get better.
  24. Spend time in nature, whether you are tending the garden or staying by the sea.
  25. And don't forget: you are wonderful.

10 Things I Would Tell My 25-Year Old Self About Success (April 2024)

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