Foods to replenish energy right after training

During physical activities, the human body suffers a series of minor muscle injuries and a high energy expenditure, so it is necessary to? Return? what was lost through proper and balanced nutrition. Find out now what are the best foods to replenish your energy right after your workout.

Protein Rich Foods

Proteins are fundamental for our body, especially for those who practice physical activities. They are extremely necessary inside and outside the cells to fulfill the most diverse functions in our body. Protein rich foods should be eaten right after training as they help provide energy to the body and are responsible for lean body mass.

In addition, proteins perform other functions in our body, such as building the muscles, the hormones that regulate the functioning of various organs of our body and forming the antibodies that protect our body from aggressors.

High Carbohydrate Foods

Carbohydrate-rich foods help maintain blood sugar levels and provide you with the energy you need to keep your muscles healthy.

It is recommended to prioritize the consumption of more complex carbohydrates before physical activities, since digestion is slower and thus they provide energy for longer. Right after the end of your workout, opt for fast-burning carbohydrates for immediate energy replenishment in the body.

Breads, cereals, vegetables, pasta, rice and fruits are high in carbohydrates, so right after your workout, prefer meals like natural snacks with tuna, scrambled eggs, natural fruit juice, coconut water, milk, fruits and vegetables. , soups, jellies and teas.

Not to forget!

In addition to consuming the right foods to replenish energy right after training, fractional water consumption during physical activity is critical as the body loses a lot of fluid through perspiration and needs to hydrate it.

And if the intention is to lose weight by doing physical exercises, it is worth the food recommendation giving preference to proteins and carbohydrates, but it is necessary to wait 30 minutes immediately after training to eat them. This is because during and after practicing an activity, there is an increase in basal metabolism, which continues to burn the body's calories. After the estimated time, the meal can be taken without problems.

Feeding Recovery for Endurance Athletes (April 2024)

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