Have you heard of PANCs? Know 11 Plants You Can Eat And Didn't Know

Unconventional food plants, also called PANCs, are increasingly arousing interest from people from both the biology and nutrition field, kitchen workers and even those who simply enjoy cooking at home.

Expert Valdely Kinupp, author of the PANCs book and creator of this name, explained in an interview with host and culinarian Bela Gil that these plants are easily found but most people are unaware of their dietary functions.

Some, such as arrowroot and nettle, have been consumed a lot in the past, but have fallen out of favor and are now becoming known. This was because they became known by derogatory names, as if it were consumed in the time of slavery because people were starving. But they are great options and very nutritious, and democratize food, as they are accessible to everyone and easy to find. Know some:

1. Milkweed

It is bitter and should be soaked in cold water or lime orange broth to eliminate this flavor and then braised in garlic to accompany dishes such as beans and angu.

2. Goldfish

When breaded and fried, it looks like a fish in shape and flavor, so the name. It can be served as a snack or make pasta and risottos.

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3. Arrowroot

It is very nutritious and from this medicinal plant it is possible to extract a gluten free starch that can replace wheat or oats. It can also be used in the preparation of porridge.

4. Ora-pro-nobis

Well known in Minas Gerais, it is mainly used with chicken, beans and angu. Also works as a green dye. It has a more neutral flavor and should not be stung to avoid drooling.

5. Beldroegão

Plant rich in protein, calcium, magnesium and zinc. It must be cooked or braised before being consumed. Very used in salads.

6. Capuchin

The leaves, seeds and flowers are edible. It has a spicy flavor and can be used in dressing or salad dressing.

7. Taioba

A classic of rustic cuisine, it is very tasty and can be eaten as an accompaniment to feijoadas or to make a vegetable roulade. Needs to be cooked for consumption.

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8. Black prick

Nourishing and tasty, it is high in iron and zinc, and must be cooked before consumption. Much used in rice and also in tea that can be taken with lemon drops.

9. Capiçoba

Similar to arugula, it has a more burning flavor and is good for use in pizza, bread and to accompany some braised or even raw dishes in the salad.

10. Caruru

It is rich in protein, fiber, iron and magnesium. Widely used indoors to accompany meat or beans. Its taste is very similar to that of spinach.

11. Nettle

It is one of the richest iron plants and in some countries, such as Italy, is a famous culinary item used in a soup called zuppa di ortiche, which is a rarity.

Before consuming any PANC, it is important to always research, either on the internet or in books on the subject, to correctly identify the plants that can be ingested and thus avoid intoxication or other problems.

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