How to Clean and Store Your Box Curtains

The bathroom is a part of the house that requires a lot of hygiene care. Because it is an environment that tends to remain moist for a long time, some measures are essential to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

To prevent the bathroom from getting completely wet after showering, the boxes are a hand on the wheel and for those who do not like, can not or simply do not want to install glass, the solution is the shower curtains.

Sold in plastic or polyester, in addition to being cheaper than glass or acrylic enclosures, curtains keep the bathroom organized and the variety of prints available on the market can add a more colorful, fun and relaxed touch to your bathroom decor. , especially in the children's bathroom, where the curtains can be decorated even with characters and superheroes.

One of the disadvantages of shower curtains is the care required for their maintenance, since direct contact with water and hygiene products such as soap and shampoo that accumulate, favor the emergence of mold, mildew and stains. And there's nothing more unpleasant than a bathroom with a dirty, unkempt curtain, which can look sloppy to the whole bathroom, no matter how clean it is.

This maintenance difficulty makes the curtains have a limited lifespan, yet changing curtains several times over a short period of time is not good for your pocket or the environment, so besides To opt for a longer lasting product, choose the best products to preserve your curtains.

To help you with this difficult task, below we have selected some tips:

How to clean and maintain box blinds

  • If your curtain is of good quality, ie of a resistant material, it can be washed directly in the washing machine, which makes the process faster.
  • In case the curtain is already showing signs of mold, you can apply a bleach solution directly to the affected areas or soak it in the product mixed with soap and water. After that, rinse it thoroughly, if you want, use vinegar to neutralize and let it dry.
  • To prevent the curtain fabric from becoming stiff, wipe with a solution of warm water mixed with drops of mineral oil.
  • When soaking, you can pour the same measure of baking soda soap and at the time of rinsing, add a few drops of white vinegar to neutralize and eliminate soap and bleach residue.
  • Whenever the bathroom is used, avoid letting the curtain roll up, stretch it completely so that it can dry on the rod itself reducing the natural humidity of the room.
  • Be sure to neglect the rod and curtain rails, especially if they are made of iron, which may rust. Whenever you remove the curtain to wash, clean the rod with the product of your choice, since the rails must be washed and dried completely.

By following these tips, your curtains will last much longer, your bathroom will be clean and your family protected from bacteria.

ORGANIZE: 12 Hacks to Transform a Messy Garage | Making the Most of Our Small Space! (April 2024)

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