How to make a resume: Check out tips for getting that dream job

With the increasingly crowded labor market, preparing an attention-grabbing resume is very important to getting that much-wanted job. This is because often the person even has the desired qualifications for the job, but does not know how to express it on paper. This can make all the difference in being called for the interview.

Including photo, Portuguese errors, and poor information distribution are some of the things that can make you miss a great opportunity. So you have to stop to think about your entire career and be very calm when putting together the perfect resume.

What to put on the curriculum

  • personal data
  • goal
  • Occupation area
  • resume
  • Academic training
  • Professional experience
  • Qualifications

Curriculum Structure

To make it even easier, see in more detail how the structure of a curriculum works.

  • Personal data: This should be the information at the top of your resume. It should display, in that order: full name, email, contact phone number, LinkedIn address, and city where you live. Age or date of birth is optional.
  • Goal: Your goal should be straightforward and presented in approximately two sentences, which should be designed to fit your experience and desired position. An important tip is to leave your qualities out at this stage.
  • Occupation area: present, in a nutshell, your area of ​​expertise. Example: Customer Service.
  • Resume: In your summary, try to present practical tasks that you performed and the results that were obtained through them. Also present your core skills, your best professional achievements, training and technologies that you can handle. Don't forget that everything should be well summarized, ok?
  • Academic training: The academic background should be listed starting with the most recent and decreasing, but you don't have to go very far. If you have graduate school, for example, you just have to go to college. Obviously you went through high school. This is where you should also add language and other courses. The organization should be as follows: course title, institution and year of completion, if you are still attending, enter the possible year in which the course will be finalized.
  • Professional experience: Here, the information should also be described from newest to oldest. If you have a lot of experience, focus only on the most relevant ones. If you don't have it, you can add internships and volunteer work as well. Enter your company name, time you worked there, a brief description of the company, and the last position you held. Also describe the activities of the function.
  • Qualifications: This part is about what you know how to do. Directly list topics and key skills that may be useful for your desired job.

Assembling all the steps above is not a simple task and can be a little time consuming. But you can now reflect on your entire academic and professional career, which is great for staying ahead of your competitors in a future application.

Making a Perfect Resume: 6 Right Tips

While knowing what all the basic information is and how to put it on your resume, it is also important to follow some tips so that the recruiter finds you an interesting person and wants to call you for the long-sought job interview.

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1. Pay attention to curriculum structure

A basic curriculum template with blank sheet, boldface, spacing, margins, and good-read fonts is a great alternative. What should draw attention is the information present. Of course if you work with design or the arts, you can innovate in diagramming.

2. Know the company

It is important to know the company you want to work with so that the resume information matches the job profile.

3. Courses

Extension and language courses generate specific knowledge and can give you an advantage over other candidates by showing that you are an engaged person and like to keep up to date.

4. Name volunteer work

Doing volunteer work is well regarded for showing that you are willing to help those in need. Also, if the area of ​​expertise is the same as the desired position, you still earn experience points.

5. Don't lie

That a lie has a short leg is nothing new. A good example of this is if you put in your resume that is fluent in English, for example, and at the time of the interview, it is done in that language and you do not know how to respond. In addition to being embarrassing, your chances of working at the company may end right now.

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6. Don't make a resume too long

You do not need to add all the information about your professional career or even academic background. Focus on highlighting the data that is most relevant to the job you want. Data such as ID and CPF are unnecessary and should be left out of the curriculum.

Now that you know how to put together a neat resume, just keep an eye out for desired job openings and stay on top of every step of a selection process. Thus, your chances of getting hired will be much higher.

How to Land Your Dream Job (April 2024)

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