12 Home Remedies to Relieve Sore Throat

Sore throats, which may also be accompanied by itching and / or irritation, are often very painful and disrupt simple moments such as a meal or a peaceful night's sleep.

The problem is not always serious and in many cases it is not necessary to consult a doctor or take medicines. In general, pharmacy options, such as lozenges or anesthetizing sprays, can also provide relief.

And if it's a common pain, there are some home-made recipes that can help alleviate. Check out some suggestions and the correct way to use them when you have a sore throat.

1. Honey

Blended in tea or taken pure, honey is a common remedy for sore throat. One study found that it is most effective when consumed at night. And other research has shown that honey helps accelerate the healing of sore throats.

2. Saltwater

Gargling with warm saltwater can help relieve sore throat and break secretions, as well as kill bacteria. Just make a solution with half a teaspoon of salt in a full glass of warm water and gargle every 3 hours to reduce the swelling and keep your throat clear.

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3. Chamomile Tea

It is naturally soothing and has long been used for medicinal purposes such as soothing. For the throat, it works by having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and astringent properties. It can also stimulate the immune system to fight the sore throat infection.

4. Mint

Known for its breath-freshening ability, mint can be used in the form of sprays that relieve sore throats and soothe a cough. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

5. Sodium bicarbonate

Saltwater gargling is more common, but the addition of baking soda can help alleviate the pain even more. This solution can kill bacteria and prevent fungal growth. Mix 1 cup of warm water, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Gargle every three hours.

6. Fenugreek

This plant has many health benefits and can be used in different ways: consuming the seeds, using topical oil or drinking tea, which is a natural remedy for sore throats. Research has already shown its healing powers, as it helps kill bacteria that cause irritation or inflammation and is an effective antifungal. But it should be avoided by pregnant women.

7. Marshmallow Root

Contains a mucus-like substance that coats and relieves sore throat. Just add a little of the dried root to a cup of boiling water to make the tea and drink it two to three times a day. People with diabetes should talk to a doctor before consuming it as it may cause a drop in blood sugar level.

Read also: Tonsillitis: What Causes And How To Avoid Sore Throat

8. Licorice Root

It has long been used to treat sore throats and, according to recent research, is effective when mixed with water to create a solution for gargling. But pregnant and lactating women should avoid.

9. Slippery Elm

This root, like marshmallow root, has a mucus-like substance that, when mixed with water, forms a smooth gel that coats and soothes the throat. To use, pour boiling water over the powdered rind, stir and drink. Slippery elm pads help.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial effects that act to fight infections. Because of its acidic nature, it can be used to help break mucus in the throat and prevent bacteria from spreading. Just dilute 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and gargle. Then take a small sip of the mixture and repeat the process one to two times per hour, always drinking plenty of water between sessions.

11. Garlic

Garlic also has natural antibacterial properties. Contains allicin, a compound known for its ability to fight infections. Adding fresh garlic to food is a way to prevent colds and sore throats. It is also possible to chew or suck a clove of garlic, but remember to brush your teeth later to protect them from enzymes and improve breathing.

12. Cayenne Pepper

Often used as a pain reliever, cayenne contains capsaicin, a natural compound known to block pain receptors. It is suggested that eating this pepper mixed with warm water and honey may help alleviate sore throat. But the recipe should not be ingested if you have open mouth sores.

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If the sore throat is in babies or young children, some tips and home remedies may also help, such as having a humidifier in the room, maintaining hydration by having them drink water, avoiding very citrus juices or popsicles.

And in all cases, regardless of age, it is important to stay away from sick people, wash your hands often and avoid spicy or acidic foods.

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