30 minutes of exercise can be as good as 1 hour

According to studies at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, published in the American Journal of Physiology, 30 minutes of daily exercise can be as good as activities performed over a 1-hour period.

According to scholars, practitioners who performed physical activity for 30 minutes over a period of 3 months lost weight to the same extent as those who exercised for 1 hour over the same period.

The study involved 60 men considered obese and sedentary. Approximately one third of the men in this group were assigned to perform aerobic activities, intense enough to cause light sweating, for 30 minutes, while one third performed aerobic activities for 60 minutes and the others remained sedentary.

All participants used heart rate monitors and calorie counters during workouts over a 13-week period.

The results showed that practitioners who performed aerobic activities for 30 minutes daily lost an average of 3.6 kg. Already practitioners who performed exercises for 60 minutes lost, on average, 2.7kg. Fat mass reduction averaged 4kg in both groups.

In addition, the results also showed that participants who exercised for 30 minutes burned more calories than expected in relation to the training developed for them. Participants who exercised longer lost less weight than expected in relation to the amount of calories burned.

However, the researchers say that the difference in results between the two groups was probably due to the fact that participants who practiced physical activity for 30 minutes considered their training more feasible and thus had more energy and motivation to perform. of extra workout physical activities.

There is also the possibility that participants who practiced physical activities for 60 minutes to eat more and therefore presented lower weight loss results than those in the other group.

Therefore, it is noted that the studies performed are of great value, as they indicate that lack of time is not the biggest obstacle in performing physical activities. Therefore, it is worth investing in complete workouts that can be performed in short periods, outside or inside the gyms. It is worth remembering that the monitoring of professionals in the field is fundamental for the training to be performed effectively.

Burn 600 Calories in a 60-Minute Workout With Jeanette Jenkins (May 2024)

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