Dreads are a reference of Rastafarian culture and add a stylish and alternative look.

The dreads are a reference and were popularized by the Rastafarian religion and culture, known to famous members such as singer Bob Marley. The origin of the technique, however, is much older than religion and still generates doubts and controversies. Today dreads are also very popular in Hindu, Buddhist, and Maori cultures.

With globalization, dreads have become quite popular and have gained a lot of visual enthusiasm. However, it is worth remembering that in addition to a hairstyle, dreads are religious, ethnic and cultural symbols that exist in a concept beyond aesthetics. It is worth researching the meaning of this look in each culture to learn more.

Check out the types of dread and techniques available to get this look, learn the main precautions to keep them beautiful, solve the most common doubts and see beautiful photos to inspire.

Dread Types

Dreads are divided into two types: natural and synthetic. From these two types it is possible to obtain them with various techniques and materials. Check out some clarifications from professional Ron Baria, expert Jacques Janine-RJ, about each of them.


How is done: With natural hair in a technique that consists of separating the hair into strands and turning each of them into tubes with the help of a crochet hook. Some professionals use beeswax to fix better.

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Duration: Natural dreads are permanent.

Average price: $ 1500

Benefits: For those who want to use dreads for a long time, natural hair is the best choice, as the technique is permanent. The appearance is also much more natural.

Disadvantages: Not recommended for those who want to adhere to the look for a short time.


How they are made: Dreadlocks made from natural or synthetic hair. Another technique is made with thread or wool, in which the hair is wrapped strand by strand with thread or wool, forming the dread.

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Duration: About 3 months. After this period it is necessary to remove or replace.

Average price: $ 1500

Benefits: They are temporary, ideal for those who want the look for a short time. They also do not damage natural hair.

Disadvantages: Artificial aspect.

Basic Dreads Care You Need

As well as dyes, straightenings and other modifications to the yarn, dreads also need specific care so that no unforeseen events occur. Check it out below:

  1. Do not skimp on washes: Hair with dreads should be washed frequently to ensure cleanliness. If deeper cleaning is desired, anti-dandruff and anti-dandruff shampoos are indicated.
  2. Keep conditioner away: The conditioner causes waste to accumulate, which is exactly the opposite of what is desired to maintain the hygiene and beauty of dreads. In addition, by making the root smoother and hydrated, it impairs the dreads' sagging.
  3. Do not sleep with wet hair: Dreaded hair takes longer to dry completely. Sleeping with them wet can cause some problems with fungi and bacteria.
  4. Dry whenever possible with the dryer: As stated in the previous item, hair with dreads takes a long time to dry. Using the dryer ensures dry and trouble free wires.
  5. Shampoos with bactericidal action and antifungal are recommended: From time to time, if you feel the need, you can visit your salon for a deeper cleaning with these products.
  6. Use a pillowcase or headband for sleeping: Dreads can get wrinkled after a night's sleep, especially if the procedure is recent. To avoid use a pillowcase, bandana or fabric of your choice to wrap the dreads and not crumple.

Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Many myths and doubts may exist about dreads. A fact already recognized as myth, for example, is the thought that the technique is synonymous with sloppiness and filth. Just like any hair, hair with dreads is also washed, so it is clean and well maintained. Check out other questions answered by Ron Baria:

1. Can I wash normally?

Yes, but you should avoid using conditioner, combing cream, leave in or any kind of scalp cream. It is necessary to dry the hair well (dryer).

2. What is the minimum length to place the dreads?

At least 5cm of thread in the case of synthetic and natural dreads 15cm.Remembering that natural dreads can shorten the hair length.

3. How long does it take to make?

The synthetic dreads about 2 hours. The natural ones are longer and the procedure can last from 5 to 8 hours, depending on the hair size and thickness desired for the dreads.

4. How long should maintenance be done?

Synthetic dreads last 3 months, after which time they must be removed or retouched. Retouching for natural dreads is done by joining new root yarns with existing dreads and can be done as soon as the appearance is disturbing, but it is not necessary.

5. Can dread damage my hair?

Synthetics do not, since the thread or wool only covers the threads and in the case of appliques are attached to the natural threads with a rubber band. Natural dreads alter the natural structure of the threads.

6. To remove the dreads do I need to cut my hair?

Synthetics are easily removed, so there is no need to cut the wires. Already for natural, it is possible to remove them without cutting with some specific conditioners, however, for those who have dreads for a long time may not be possible and then just cutting.

50+ amazing photos to inspire you

In addition to being a stylish look, dreads also provide simple and amazing hairstyles. Decided to stick to the look? So get even more inspired with these beautiful photos.

Follow the Dreads panel by Le Baragosse on Pinterest.

In addition to providing an alternative and stylish look, dreads are also references of some cultures, so it is worth researching before joining the look. The technique to obtain is somewhat complex and requires experience, and it is recommended to seek professionals in the subject not to take risks. With proper care, the dreads remain beautiful and look amazing.

Dreadlocks (April 2024)

  • Hair
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