How to make shopping list

A rather uncomfortable situation is to realize that you need something that is missing from the pantry, such as when you start cooking and realize the salt is gone. To prevent this kind of situation from happening, it is important to know how to make the shopping list.

One way to plan before you go to the supermarket is to make two shopping lists. In one, you write just about everything you ever needed and need at home. This list will serve as the basis for a more simplified list. Store it in an easily accessible place and add new names to the list as you buy different products for your home.

With the help of the most complete list, make a simplified list for the purchase of the month or week, based on what you have or don't have at home. Try to pay close attention to items that are rare or last longer to use so you don't forget them.

To make your shopping list more organized, sort products into categories. A suggestion to divide into categories is fruits and vegetables, meat and cold, cleaning, personal hygiene, drinks, general food and others. You can also separate your shopping list into categories according to how often you need these foods or how long these products last.

Another way to make a shopping list is through the supermarket's own website where you usually buy the products. Many supermarkets already offer online shopping service and through the website you organize your shopping in various ways. Some even remember their favorite brands and keep track of their purchases to help with future listings.

Another option is to make the shopping list on the computer. This way you will spend less time writing because it is already ready in a file and you just have to select what you want and print it.

Choose the best way to organize your shopping, save time and save money at the supermarket. So you better plan not to buy something you already have and not to risk missing a necessary product.

How I Organize My Grocery List (April 2024)

  • Kitchen, Organization
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