27 Crepioca Recipes for a Light and Tasty Dinner

If you are looking for a tasty and quick option for lunch or dinner, you have just found it. Mix of crepe with tapioca, the crepioca is usually prepared with eggs, cassava gum and any other supplements you prefer, resulting in a nutritious meal. Other versions use sweet or sour sprinkles.

Either way, crepioca has become more and more a darling for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. It is a dish that promotes satiety and is rich in protein, being a great choice for those who are exercising or wanting to lose weight.

However, it is worth paying attention when filling your crepioca. Some fatter, sweeter, and cheesy cheeses can greatly increase your calories even if the dough is light.

Thinking about all styles and diets, we made a selection with 27 crepioca recipes. These are sweet, savory and special options, from the simplest to the most elaborate. It will be hard to resist. Check out!

Salted Crepes

1. Beef Crepioca: For this crepioca pasta, few ingredients are needed: eggs, water, sour flour and yogurt. It can be made with sweet and cottage sprinkles instead of yogurt. The meat stuffing is a delight.

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2. Parmesan Crepioca with Parsley: As this crepioca is already well seasoned, it can be eaten without any filling! Instead of opting for grated packet cheese, try buying a piece of Parmesan and grating it yourself. The taste is much tastier.

3. Cheese Crepioca: Almost a skillet cheese bread, this recipe is very versatile and easy to make. Best of all, you can prepare it in one day and save what's left to use the next. Pure practicality!

4. Ham, cheese and parsley crepioca: This is a great recipe for a light and healthy meal. The stuffing can be replaced with other ingredients you have at home, such as pepperoni, sauteed vegetables, meat, tuna, etc.

5. Crepioca with cottage cheese: Do you know that desire to eat a savory snack? Here is a great medicine. Will mixing egg, tapioca gum, salt and cottage cheese satisfy your body? Not to mention that it gets hot!

6. Buffalo Mozzarella Crepioca: According to nutritionists, buffalo mozzarella is more nutritious than other cheeses. It is rich in protein and vitamins and has a unique flavor. To whip into your crepioca filling, try this version!

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7. Corn and Zucchini Crepioca: To prepare this delight, an important tip: the grated zucchini needs to be drained so as not to release water at the time of cooking. Oregano, basil and dried garlic make the dish more seasoned and special.

8. Crepioca with shimeji: In addition to the stuffing made with Shimeji mushrooms, olive oil, garlic and chives, this crepioca pasta has a teaspoon of chia, a seed rich in nutritional properties.

9. Creamy Chicken Crepioca: To make the creamy chicken you will need shredded chicken and light curd. In the markets there are options of low fat and sodium curd. Worth researching. The crepioca batter contains yogurt, which makes it more creamy.

10. Spinach Crepioca: Is it possible to gourmetise crepioca? and the result is great. Here, the traditional tapioca egg and gum mix gets an additional cooked spinach, which gives it a beautiful color!

11. Crepioca with chia: Another healthy and mouth-watering recipe. The combination of tapioca and chia is powerful, as the seed fibers assist in reducing the glycemic index of tapioca. Click here to see more benefits of chia.

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Sweet Crepes

12. Chocolate Crepioca: To vary a little from the traditional salty crepioca, this one has cocoa powder, oatmeal, vanilla essence and sugar in the ingredient list. A nice tip is to grease the frying pan with coconut oil.

13. Peanut Butter Crepioca: To prepare this recipe you must mix all the ingredients. They are: eggs, tapioca gum, flaxseed flour, peanut butter and chia. Complementary with a hot milk peanut butter sauce.

14. Coconut Crepioca: The good old chocolate-coconut combination always wins us over. The pasta has coconut flour, shredded coconut and light coconut milk. The chocolate syrup is lighter than you think: made with coconut milk, cocoa powder and honey! Great for those who do not give up a sweetness.

15 Cappuccino Crepioca: Great suggestion for breakfast, this crepioca brings instant coffee, cocoa powder, cloves, cinnamon, chia, demerara sugar and of course egg and tapioca gum. Mix all ingredients and brown in a skillet. That simple.

16. Cinnamon Banana Crepioca: You will fall in love with the ease of this recipe, which is ready in a few minutes. Mix 1 egg, 1 egg white, 2 tablespoons sweet sprinkles, 1 tablespoon chocolate or vanilla whey, half banana and cinnamon. Beat with the mixer. Bring to the heat until golden brown and delight.

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17. Apple and Cinnamon Crepioca: This combination is unusual and very tasty. Should you put cinnamon and a grated apple in the dough? and you can replace it with mashed banana if you prefer. A touch of speckled cheese plate over the crepioca makes all the difference.

18. Chocolate Crepioca with banana and Nutella: the differential of this sweet crepioca is the filling. You should gently pass the Nutella in the ready-to-warm dough, ending with banana slices. If you want, you can put other cut fruits, such as strawberries.

19. Banana, strawberry and peanut butter crepioca: The sweet crepioca batter contains tapioca, egg and unsweetened cocoa powder. For the filling, natural grated coconut, strawberry, banana, unsweetened peanut butter and cinnamon to taste. Makes your mouth water!

Different crepiocas

20. Crepioca lasagna: Think of a light, tasty and colorful lasagna. Thought? Now get ready to do it! This crepioca lasagna has boiled beets and spinach in the batter, along with a touch of milk, salt and black pepper.

21. Pizza with Crepioca Dough: Even dieters can eat pizza, especially if it's gluten-free. To decrease the amount of calories the tip is to choose a lighter topping such as vegetables and white cheese.

22. Crepioca Pancake: Not fit, but low carb. Topa? The pancake batter is made with eggs, tapioca, yeast, salt and pepper. The filling, in addition to creamy chicken, has an incredibly tasty white sauce, made with sour cream, cream cheese, milk and butter. Hmmmm!

23. Whey Protein Crepioca: Do You Want High Protein Version? Here it is. Simply mix in one bowl the following ingredients: egg, tapioca gum, or Whey protein (the flavor you prefer) and chia seed. Leave on fire until firm, turn and wait until golden brown. Ready!

24. Baked Crepioca: Great idea for a tasty snack, without skipping the diet. You must bake the recipe in a cupcake form. The mix of eggs, tapioca, tomatoes, carrots, salt and pepper is baked in a kind of little bundle made with slices of turkey breast!

25. Crepioca Cannelloni: To prepare this delicacy you need to stuff the crepioca like pancakes, cut the cannelloni to the desired size and arrange in a refractory. Then just water with sauce and bake.

26. Crepioca Pasta with Eggplant Meatballs: Looks like pasta, but it's not. It is actually tapioca gum, salt, olive oil and eggs. You must bake in the pan, then roll up like pancake and cut to the thickness you prefer! It is possible to serve with meatballs or whatever you like best.

27. Crepioca Waffle: To prepare this recipe you can use an electric waffle maker or the ones to use on the stove. For the dough are only three ingredients: egg, tapioca gum and yeast. Already the complement can be as you prefer? honey, fruit, cheese, ice cream?

How not to be enchanted by the versatility of crepioca? After testing these 27 possibilities above, it is worthwhile to exchange ingredients and create your own versions. What about?

Crepioca Fitness low carbo receita na garrafa / pancake gourmet recipe fitness gourmet (April 2024)

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