First Time In Bed: 6 Essential Sex Tips For You

A woman's first time is a unique and long-awaited event. Because it is such an important moment, many fears and anxiety are involved in the loss of virginity. Since we are aware of what happens in an intimate relationship, we are taught to put a heavy weight on it, not for nothing.

Anyone's sexual debut is forever imprinted in their memory. The beginning of our sex life is a moment of transition, whether it is when we are very young or later.

Losing your virginity changes a person's life in many ways. After this discovery, the woman is liberated for sex, knows herself better, and finally discovers the great mystery of what really happens in a sexual relationship.

Some research indicates that the average age of a Brazilian woman's first time is around 16 years. But there is no correct age for the first sexual experience, although certain maturity and body development are important. Your first time just has to happen when you want and feel prepared.

A woman's sexuality appears long before that. Our sexual organs already manifest in early childhood. This is not to say that children think of sex, but that they have sensations in their erogenous areas, so it is not uncommon to see them touching each other.

While boys are even encouraged to know their body and masturbate, with women the situation is quite different. Girls are constantly scolded when they touch or ask about sex. In our society, chauvinistic and repressive traditions of female sexuality still hold. Until recently, the woman was not considered much more than a sex piece for the sake of male pleasure. Our grandparents were scolded for pleasure, and talking about it then was extremely ill-regarded.

All of these cultural burdens can leave women with many insecurities and locks about sex. What happens most the first time is fear. What will happen, how to please? We are afraid that, as is our first time, we will not do right or meet our partner's sex ideal.

What changes after the first time?

Your body will not change much because of sex. Gynecologist Janaina Harfush explains that? Changes such as breast growth, hair growth, hip enlargement, and waist tightening are natural consequences of maturing during women's puberty, and may differ from one another.

These changes have nothing to do with first sexual intercourse. The only change that happens overnight is the rupture of the hymen. Also according to Dr. Janaina Harfush, no external physical changes will show that the girl had her first relationship.

To help with this special moment, and who knows, make it easier, we've put together a few tips for your first time.

Basic Tips for Your First Time

1. Protection is forever

It is not because it is your first time that you are protected against sexually transmitted diseases or possible pregnancy. Using contraceptive methods, besides condoms, is very important to protect your health. And condom use must be present from the beginning of penetration or oral sex (yes, oral sex can also transmit disease). Don't believe me if they tell you that just a little bit doesn't hurt.

2. Know your body

For starters, you need to know your body. Take a mirror and study your vagina. Women are so sexually repressed that many don't even know what their reproductive organs look like and are ashamed to even look at. Well, let's get this over with. Know your body better than anyone so that you can have more control over it than anyone else.

Masturbation is also a great ally for body awareness: so you will know what gives you the most pleasure and better understand what happens at the time of arousal.

3. Choose your first partner well

As the first time is a very important and very intimate moment, it does not happen to anyone. You don't necessarily have to wait for the enchanted prince, but it's good to avoid being with someone who has no involvement. In that case, your first time can be somewhat frustrating.

4. Know what happens

Ask friends or relatives for details of sexual intercourse. It will be much better if you already know what happens to not have many surprises. Dr.Janaina Harfush recalls the importance of consulting a doctor both before and after the first time: • Before clarifying any doubts with the doctor. Ideally, the girl should start her sex life using some contraceptive method other than condoms and clarify all her doubts. Then to find out if all is well and to start the Pap smear ?.

5. Don't expect a wonderful experience.

It is not impossible for you to reach orgasm, but more often than not the woman does not get there the first time. To climax, women need to be fine with themselves and without paranoia, a state that can be difficult to achieve at first sexual intercourse. Don't worry about being the best in bed either: it's your first time, so keep your focus on yourself.

The sexologist Walkíria Fernandes explains that? Our sexual learning is loaded with myths, prejudices, demands and expectations of a good performance at the time of sex. Obviously all this ends up contributing negatively compromising our sexual satisfaction. For men it is expected to have and maintain the erection to satisfy the partner, and for women, the fear of feeling pain the first time. So the best way to have a hot sex is to try to focus your attention on your own erotic sensations rather than the almost obligation to satisfy the other?

6. Relax

Try to surrender to the moment and enjoy. Yes, it is easy to say, difficult to put into practice. But if you follow the previous tips, it will surely come to the safest time. No doubt it is a tense moment, but you can believe it: you have arrived there, now is relax and delight in this new discovery.

Studies indicate that the first time can influence your sex life for years. So capriche and good luck!

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