How to stop biting nails

A nail-biting sufferer knows how hard it is to get rid of it. When you least realize you already have your hand in your mouth biting the corners of your nails. However, there are a few tricks you can do to try to eliminate this problem from your life.

In addition to being a socially unacceptable habit, nail biting can also be harmful to your health because it facilitates the entry of bacteria into your body. Another negative aspect of this habit is that the nails always look unhealthy and beautiful.

In light of this, we have selected some tips to help you who have this habit in your day to day and no longer know what to do to end this custom. Check out our suggestions for saying goodbye to the bad habit of biting nails:

Take care of your emotional

In most cases, the nail biting habit arises due to problems like anxiety and stress. Therefore, one of the steps to take to eliminate this problem is to invest in anxiety treatment and try to lessen the stress in your life.

If you think this is what makes you want to bite your nails, look for a psychologist and try to alleviate your emotional problems. Taking care of your psychological side, it is easier to have the control and discipline to end the nail biting habit and give you a better quality of life.

Stay tuned to know when are the nails when you gnaw the most. If you want, you can ask for help from those who live with you, because usually others understand our customs better than ourselves? after all we are already used to it. Realizing what are the moments or situations that lead you to nail biting, the next step then is to police and control yourself.

Try to relax

Try to have a less hectic lifestyle and do activities that provide relaxation. In times of stress, try to take a deep breath, have a drink of water, or go for a walk around where you are trying to calm down. Other relaxation tips include practicing activities such as yoga and walking.

Use your nails to your advantage

One of the ways to stop nail biting is to use an inhibitor nail polish. These nail polishes have a bitter taste and will make you lose this habit slowly, because every time you bite you will taste horrible in the mouth.

Another option is to keep your nails always well done and neat, with the nail polish you like best. Check out some tips on how to get your nails done at Le Baragosse Taster. When the nail is done and colored, it is easier to remember that you should not gnaw and control yourself.

There is yet another alternative: gel or silicone nails. This can be a great option after all since your nails are bigger, beautiful and well groomed? besides more resistant? gnawing them becomes less interesting.

Have you heard of fiber nails? Find out how many women are profiting from the famous fiber nails, gaining a large clientele and increasing their household income with the fiber nail course. This technique has turned into a fever in the US and is now very successful in Brazil. I want to learn how to do fiber nails now

So that you can encourage yourself never to bite again, photograph your beautiful, manicured nails and save the images for inspiration and you won't bite them again.

Notice the nails of others

It may sound strange, but noticing your friends 'and co-workers' nails can serve to break your nail-biting habit. Each time you see your friends' beautiful nails, you'll feel like having well-groomed nails as well. Just like every time you realize that someone is gnawing nails at having their nails completely destroyed, you will find that it is past time to get rid of this habit.

With these tips and a lot of discipline it is possible to eliminate this habit and always have enviable nails.

How to Stop Biting Your Nails (May 2024)

  • Hands and Feet, Nails
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