How to wear 7/8 socks

At socks 7/8 They are a fashion accessory that add a touch of charm to any look. When used properly, they pass away from the collegiate look with youthful appeal.

To make the right composition, you need to take some care in choosing the pieces that will be combined with the socks. The first tip is to keep an eye on the elastic and see if it is not tightening? or worse, stressing? the thigh fat. How do socks 7/8 are long, it is good to show a little leg so as not to stay with the "flat" silhouette.

To balance the look, the ideal is match the socks 7/8 with short dresses and short shorts, leaving a gap of about a finger between the elastic of the sock and the hem of the skirt or shorts.

Anyone who wants to disguise very thick legs can bet on the trick of wear the socks 7/8 in neutral colors like black, gray and brown that thin and lengthen the legs. Escape the tight fit and skirts glued to the body. The best option is the skirts model evasê, more open at the bottom, or with pleats.

Wearing a floral print dress, the look is romantic. Waist dresses are also matching options. For those who want to dare, combining dresses and high-waisted skirts with boots are an option to get the impression of "right" look.

The garter is a very sensual option to complement the 7/8. If this is your goal, use it without fear, but avoid combining in formal environments.

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