How to wear shirt and t-shirt

Flat or printed, the shirts and t-shirts have stood out among fashion trends thanks to their versatility. They can be worn in both winter and summer and combine with various pieces, so they have gained their place in women's clothing.

The shirts in general are wider and refer to the masculine style. Some are belt-tight and can be worn with a belt to mark the silhouette and make it look more feminine. These are great pieces to go with jeans or leggings, especially long hip-length shirts.

You can also mount a look with an open print shirt over a plain tank top, it's an easy way to change the look. Shirts are the best option for those with a few extra pounds.

T-shirts are shorter and tighter than shirts and may have long or short sleeves. They make the body well defined and are better at being at peace with the balance. The t-shirts form a nice combination with jeans in a more casual composition or pantaloons in a more serious look.

The models of tighter and long sleeved shirts are a charm with maxi skirts, pleated skirts and jeans with high waist. In this case, it is more advisable for the shirt to be of a lighter, softer fabric to fit better under the other piece.

Shirts and t-shirts are far from out of fashion. As they are basic items of any woman's wardrobe, they can be used on many occasions composing the most diverse styles and looks, without having to buy many different pieces.

Changing just the accessories and varying the pieces like skirts, shorts and pants, you put on completely different looks with the same shirt or shirt over and over again, making it an economical alternative to dressing well. Here's how easy it is to create shirt or t-shirt combinations:

The high waist pleated skirt fits very well in looks with more structured and waisted t-shirts.

The pantalona can be a great ally in the most serious and discreet shirt looks.

The open print shirt can be worn with a tank top underneath that is in a tone that matches the print on the shirt.

This is a good example of how to put together a more casual and casual look with an oversize shirt and jeans.

The shorts make a great combination with the shirts. In this look the denim shorts give a nice contrast to the seriousness of the long sleeve shirt.


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