I have no sexual desire, what to do?

The absence of sexual desire is not an exclusive complaint of the postmenopausal period, many young women report decreased libido or even lack of it. There are several factors that can influence this issue, so let us highlight them.

What can influence a woman's sexual appetite?


Here is an important reason to be investigated in young women! In this case, the reduction in libido may be due to changes in the production of testosterone, a male hormone produced in smaller quantities by women. Another hormone that may be altered is prolactin, a hormone that acts in conjunction with two other female hormones, LH and FSH.


Decreased libido after menopause has an explanation for a woman's decreased hormone production, which also results in vaginal dryness and urogenital atrophy and may be another discouraging factor for sexual activity.

The psychological impact of this effect is of utmost importance and is a major reason for the decrease in quality of life for many women. Hormone replacement is an ally in this case. However, some experts argue that age can be an ally!

Maturity gives women greater security of their body and understanding of their sexuality, which can be a perfect ally for increased libido. That way it will depend on how a woman deals with age and her earnings!


The use of hormonal medications, such as contraceptives themselves, antidepressants, anxiolytics and even antihypertensives, may be factors that contribute to decreased sexual desire. That's one of the reasons you forget to check isn't it !?


In this case, there is an important impairment of sexual interest and consequently the ability to feel pleasure in the relationship, which is already a characteristic of the depressive state. Without desire there is no realization of sexual stimulation, which also compromises the relationship of the couple.

Stress and anxiety

Own motif of our contemporary world! Combined with an unhealthy diet and overweight, they are the perfect trio for reducing libido. Food reeducation and an attempt to organize your better life is good advice. Every woman should reevaluate her life schedule when she realizes that she is affecting her sexual performance, you can't recommend a therapy or yoga class if you don't even have time for it. It is best to reevaluate your pace and rephrase things.

In addition to overwork, stress can be caused by a tragic event in the family, a sick relative, an unexpected failure in some activity or even problems in the marital relationship.

Recent childbirth

I came to a troublesome reason for some women! Body changes not yet well accepted are important reasons for a number of women. However, there is a factor that directly influences sexual desire, the increase of prolactin hormone, characteristic of the lactation period. As their levels rise, other female hormones are inhibited. So it is fleeting.

As you have seen, organic and psychological factors interact in changing libido. Best of all, you needn't despair because treatments are currently effective in almost all cases.

Low Sexual Desire Psychological Aspects – Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Clinic (May 2024)

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