India nut is used for weight loss but may pose health risks

For some time now India Nut has been drawing people's attention for its supposed slimming power. Few people, however, stop to investigate what exactly this seed is, what benefits it can offer and whether there are risks to its consumption.

? India nut (Candlenut) is the nut of the walnut tree of India. Its scientific name is Aleucites Moluccana. It is part of Indonesian and Indian cuisine to use it as a spice. In Brazil, it has been marketed, mainly through the internet, with the promise of being a miraculous weight loss ?, says Camila Secches, endocrinologist certified by SBEM, specialist in Nutrology by ABRAN and professor of Endocrinology at Itajubá Medical School.

Vivian Talarico, clinical nutritionist at L&L Space Life to the Body, specializing in nutritional care, sports nutrition and functional nutrition, says that India Nut has carbohydrates, proteins and fats in its composition.

Possible benefits of India nut consumption

There is a strong popular belief that India Nut contributes to weight loss, but there is no study to prove this benefit.

? Walnut leaf extract from India, according to some studies, may inhibit lipase, the enzyme responsible for fat absorption, and would therefore lead to a possible decrease in cholesterol levels and slight weight loss, as is observed in medicines. with similar mechanism of action. Other studies show that in some people, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is important to emphasize that the studies were performed with the extract of the leaf of the plant and not with the seed, which is India Nut ?, explains Camila.

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Functional nutritionist Maria Luiza S. Moura explains that India nut is made up of fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which may relate it to lower cholesterol levels. It has high fiber concentration. So if consumed with water, it could cause satiety and reduce appetite, he adds.

Nutritionist Vivian highlights the benefits of proper seed consumption:

  • Weight loss aid;
  • Helps in lowering cholesterol;
  • Helps fight cellulite;
  • Hunger reduction and fight against the desire to eat sweets;
  • Fight against constipation.

For nutritionist Maria Luiza, however, it is difficult to speak of the real advantages of India nut consumption, as there is nothing scientifically proven. "What is known for sure is its laxative effect, but the truth is that seed sale is prohibited in Brazil, it is not authorized by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Thus, it cannot be highlighted as a safe ally in weight loss. There is also nothing that exempts it from being toxic to the body ?, explains.

Camila points out that there is no scientific study in the literature that proves weight loss effect associated with India nut.

How to Consume Pecan

According to Vivian, the seed can be consumed as follows:

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  • In the first week, divide a seed into eight equal parts, and consume one piece a day in the mornings. Not forgetting to consume enough fluids.
  • In the second week, divide it into four equal parts, and consume one part as the previous week.

"It is forbidden to consume more than this amount, due to unpleasant effects such as intestinal disruption," Vivian guides.

Camila comments that here in Brazil, there is a suggestion of consumption of raw India nut, diluted in hot water, published on the Internet, with the goal of weight loss. ? This recommendation, however, has no scientific basis ?, highlights.

Maria Luiza points out that the seed should be consumed only if there is nutritional or medical indication.

Contraindications, precautions and side effects

Always remember that no food or substance should be consumed in excess, especially for the purpose of losing weight quickly.

• Anything that is over consumed can cause damage. Possible side effects of India nut include: cramps, diarrhea, nausea, gas, headache, dehydration ?, says Maria Luiza.

Remember that India nut has no sale authorized by ANVISA?

India nut can do harm, especially when overdone, says nutritionist Camila.One of the properties of India nut is its laxative effect. Chronic diarrhea impairs the absorption of important health nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. And there is no scientific support to prove the safety of consumption of India nut as has been recommended over the internet ?, says.

The product is contraindicated for children under 15, pregnant, lactating, over 65, allergic, people with ulcer problems, high blood pressure or heart problems.

“As there are no human studies yet, what we have nowadays are purely from observation. In case of any of the side effects, should the seed be stopped immediately ?, says Vivian.

Remember that India nut is not authorized by ANVISA, but is nonetheless easily found in some health food stores and even on the internet.

India Nut X Napoleon Hat

Due to the high demand for India nut for weight loss, some people are marketing the seed of another plant, the Napoleon Hat, as if it were India nut. “Napoleon's Hat is a common and easily grown plant and, therefore, found to be priced well below the price of India Nut,” says Camila.

Much controversy has revolved around the sale of India nut and the Napoleon Hat seed, sometimes called the "true nut". and "fake nut", respectively. Both can be found in health food stores and the second is the most worrying because it is proven toxic and often sold as if it were India nut.

? The main precaution is to make sure you are buying properly by running away from the highly toxic Napoleon Hat.

Cristiane Braga, an ABRAN nutrologist, and specialist in Clinical Medicine, Dermatology, Aesthetic Medicine and Hair, points out that the Hat of Napoleon herb has a toxic effect due to the large amounts of cardiotonic glycosides. "That is, it can increase cardiac effort," he says.

Napoleon's Hat can be toxic to humans, especially when consumed in large quantities. "There are reports of patients who had to be hospitalized with intoxication caused by this plant," says endocrinologist and nutritionist Camila.

Neither India Nut nor Napoleon's Hat are authorized by ANVISA. "So if you decide to buy India nut anyway, the main precaution is to check that you are buying correctly, running away from the highly toxic Napoleon Hat," recalls Maria Luiza.

"The India nut is white, you should be very careful, because the inside of Napoleon's hat is very similar," says Vivian.

It is quite difficult to tell from India nut, but in general the seed of Napoleon's Hat is usually slightly larger and has a slightly more brittle and less 'furry' shell.

To avoid problems, it is best to purchase Pecan from a reliable supplier. Also, bet on consumption only if a professional is indicated. Remembering that there is no proof that the seed really helps to lose weight.

I do not recommend using anything that promises to be miraculous. We achieved good results with physical activities and a good dietary education ?, concludes nutritionist Vivian.

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