Is crying good? 6 Reasons Why Tears Have Their Benefits

You may already be tired of hearing that crying is a sign of weakness that solves nothing and, worse yet, it is a woman thing, as if we were emotionally unstable and unable to solve a problem.

If you hear this from someone, know that person is very uninformed. First of all, crying has nothing to do with being male or female, but with the human characteristic that makes us feel emotions. In addition, crying has a number of benefits for our body and mind.

It may not be very productive to go to tears during a meeting at work; However, if you have to take a break to the bathroom to relieve your emotions or need to vent with a trusted colleague, know that crying does have its advantages. Meet some of them:

1. It's a way to relieve nervous system tension.

After the crying crisis, a relaxing effect on the nervous system occurs. This decreases the rate of heartbeat, which was previously elevated due to tension, makes breathing return to its normal rhythm and reduces involuntary muscle contraction. As a result, your whole body relaxes, relieving the state of anxiety you were in.

2. Recovers digestive function

When they get very nervous, do some people have the feeling that they will throw up anytime, can't eat anything for long hours or have bouts of diarrhea? not to mention who feels it all at the same time. If you suffer from these problems, know that crying helps our body to resume the digestion process, relieving these symptoms.

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3. Shows that you need help

Many times we want to convey the image that we are self-reliant and can solve everything ourselves. The problem is that this is not always true. So by crying you show that you need help and let the people who really like you realize that need. And rest assured, this is not a sign of weakness.

4. Is good for health

Very sad or nervous situations increase cortisol levels, known as the stress hormone. When it is too high, this hormone is harmful to our defenses, leaving the body more prone to illnesses such as colds and pharyngitis.

The good thing about when these situations make us cry is that the tears carry some of this excess hormone and some toxins accumulated during the stress period. With this, they cleanse the body and protect the immune system.

5. Makes people feel more comfortable around you

People who see you crying will understand that showing you feelings is no sign of weakness. They will know that you are a more receptive person and will feel more comfortable looking for you when they are having a problem.

6. Crying helps, yes!

Who says crying doesn't help anything? You are forgetting one important detail: By releasing tears, we are stimulating the production of endorphins, hormones that can alleviate pain and promote a sense of well-being.

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Maybe crying makes no difference to the problem itself; however, by easing your emotions a little, you will surely have the quietest thoughts to find a way out. So if you feel like it, don't be afraid to cry? Only the brave, who are not afraid of themselves, can do this!

Health Benefits of Crying ( Tears ) (April 2024)

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