Keep your brain healthy.

The brain is still a big mystery to science. The neurological connections and chemical reactions that occur within them continue to be studied so that we can better understand how it works. While this does not happen, it is already known that it is possible to take care of the health of this very important organ.

Exercise your brain

Read. Read as much as possible and on many different subjects. Learning new things is one of the best ways to keep your brain up to date and consequently expanding. This is because it exercises aspects such as memory, reasoning and imagination.

It is also important to cultivate habits such as crossword puzzles, and chess. These activities require reasoning and keeping the brain active is one of the main ways to take care of it.

Work out

It may seem strange, but the practice of physical activities helps to keep the brain always healthy. It turns out that keeping the body moving increases oxygenation in the brain, especially with aerobic exercise.

Take care of the food

Did you know that diseases such as obesity and high cholesterol can increase the chances of developing neurodegenerative diseases? To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to have healthy eating habits. Eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, according to some research, may help prevent Alzheimer's disease, for example. These substances are found mainly in fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, horsetail, anchovy and trout, but are also present in canola oil and flaxseed.

It is also important to consume sources of polyunsaturated fats such as nuts and some seeds, as well as monounsaturated fats such as olive oil and avocado.

Sleep properly

While we sleep, memory selects the events that occur during the day that should be recorded and those that do not deserve attention and will therefore be forgotten. It is also at night that the brain strengthens the connections between neurons.

Invest in new experiences and activities.

Every day the brain is bombarded with a huge amount of information. Some are more relevant than others and he recognizes which ones should be accessible quickly. Is this data entered? in the brain are used in the process of cognition. According to the Aurelian dictionary,? Cognition? means, literally, 'knowledge acquisition'. There is an area of ​​neuroscience that specializes in studying cognitive processes, or learning, to understand exactly how they work.

This means that whenever you learn something new, you are increasing the network of memberships available for your day to day use. Therefore, the more things you learn, the easier it becomes to learn more.

The left brain is responsible for memorizing and performing automatic activities that no longer require any creative effort. The right side, on the other hand, works when we stimulate the brain to record new information, which means that it is working at full speed while learning a language, taking dance classes or traveling, for example. Also, try to memorize dates, facts, and names without using a calendar or gadgets like your phone or computer. Is this a joke? exercises memory, preventing it from deteriorating over time.

Like any organ in the body, the brain needs to be used to stay healthy at all times.

How to Keep Your Brain Healthy (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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