Keloid Ointment: Know the Creams and Other Treatments Available

After a skin trauma, such as surgery or accident, the body begins a healing process that consists of producing enough collagen to repair the injured part. So far, nothing unusual? the skin tissues working to your advantage. The problem happens when there is an intense and abnormal proliferation of elastic fibers that end up giving rise to a scar, called by keloid dermatologists.

Keloids are more common in people with dark skin, mestizo and Oriental aged 10 to 30 years and the most susceptible sites for the occurrence are the face, chest, shoulder and neck.

Although feared by many women, keloids can be treated. There are a range of treatments available on the market, laser, ointments, peeling, injections. Meet some.

What is keloid?

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery, keloid is an imperfect scar that arises from an intense healing response in the body that goes beyond the limits of skin damage. That is, there is an abnormal growth of tissue during healing.

It is usually caused by an inflammation, burn or surgical incision, but in more extreme cases can also occur due to acne, chickenpox, ear punctures, vaccination sites and tattoos. According to dermatologist Silvia Santilli, keloids are mainly related to genetic predisposition.

How does it manifest?

Keloid "presents as a hard, reddish, raised, shiny tissue sometimes associated with pain or itching," says Silvia. It usually develops a darker or skin-like tone over time.

How to identify?

The diagnosis is made based on the appearance of the skin or scar. A skin biopsy may be required to rule out other skin formations (tumors).

How to treat?

There are several forms of treatment for keloids and success varies from patient to patient and also according to the type and proportion of the injury: There is no single effective treatment for keloids. Much depends on the case and the stage of the scar ?, says Silvia.

Keloid Ointments

There are currently ointments that are available on the market for the treatment of scars of this nature, such as: Cicatricure, Skimatix, Kelo-cote and Contractubex.

Cicatricure: The product is a gel whose formula was created specifically to visibly improve scarred skin. The promise is texture repair, decrease and improvement of scar coloration. The average price is 45 Reais.

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Skimatix: It is a clear silicone gel that helps maintain the moisture balance of the skin while assisting in maintaining the scar surface resulting from surgeries, burns and other injuries. It promises to relieve itching and discomfort, and lessen skin discoloration. Average price: 80 Reais.

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Kelo-cote: It can be used to prevent keloid formation in surgeries, trauma and burns. It should be used to reduce scars when the wound is already closed. Average price: 215 Reais.

Buy Kelo-cote Now

Contractubex: Indicated for hypertrophic and keloidal scars, movement limiting, discomfort after surgical interventions, amputations, burns and accidents. Its main objective is to improve the appearance of the scar. Average price: 45 Reais.

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According to Dr. Silvia, the main topical products (on the lesions) are corticosteroids and silicone, in the form of gel or adhesives. Mild products that have a moisturizing effect can be used to massage the scar, thus helping to soften it and improve its appearance. This includes some essential oils such as rose hips, for example, but are not highly effective.

Aesthetic treatments

Local radiotherapy, silicone plaques, corticosteroid injections, occlusive corticosteroid tapes, reduction surgery, beta-therapy (radiotherapy), photodynamic therapy and cryosurgery (freezing) are some other options available. The indication for each case should always be made by a dermatologist. Know some methods:

  • Peeling: It consists of applying a chemical solution on the skin that exfoliates and fights certain skin conditions including scars. The contact of this solution with the skin allows to remove and regenerate the layers of the skin.
  • Cortisone Injections: They are the most appropriate type of treatment for small or early-onset keloids.The drug is injected into the lesion every four to six weeks. This treatment decreases scar size and irritation.
  • Recent Medicines: To prevent the keloid even before it forms, medications such as Interferon, Fluoracil, and Thixixophen applied to the lesion may be beneficial as they decrease collagen production, which is responsible for the overgrowth of the scar.
  • Cryosurgery: It is the freezing of the lesion with liquid nitrogen to reduce the keloid, making it smoother and less prominent. Importantly, it can cause skin lightening where nitrogen is applied.
  • Laser Therapy: It has great effectiveness in lightening and decreasing the keloid. Is it exposing the scar to a laser? the superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis and part of the dermis. The laser moves across the scar thus removing the most affected layers, allowing you to expose new and more natural layers of skin.
  • Beta Therapy: recommended in cases of individuals who need to perform a surgical procedure and are prone to developing keloids. Radiation is applied where cuts have to be made to reduce the risk of scarring.

Home Keloid Treatments

Although problems with the appearance of keloids have a genetic origin, there are some home recipes to prevent and treat the appearance of these scars. It is important to note, however, that according to dermatologist Silvia Santilli there is no scientific proof of the benefits of these treatments and their effectiveness is low. It is also recommended not to be exposed to the sun.

  • Sandalwood Powder with Pink Water: Make a paste of these ingredients and apply it on the scar every night until the volume begins to reduce;
  • Lemon juice: mix 1 tablespoon rose water, 2 parts lemon juice and 1 tablespoon ground. Apply this mixture to the scar and massage for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure three times a week;
  • Various massage options: massage the keloid with lemon juice, honey, water-diluted apple cider vinegar or marigold essential oils;
  • Foods: It is critical to strengthen the immune system by eating foods rich in vitamins C and E, which act directly on skin restoration.

How to disguise keloid with makeup

In addition to treatments, in the event of an emergency, a foundation-based make-up, yellow concealer and powder can cover the scar, helping to even out skin color to mask imperfection. Vichy's Dermablend base and Kryolan's Dermacolor concealer are highly recommended for scarring cases because of their effective coverage. Check out the following image the effects of Dermablend makeup on the face:

When applying makeup to cover the keloid, do not add too much product as this may cause the material to accumulate and crack. Use good quality, waterproof and full coverage concealer and powder, so one layer will suffice. If necessary, apply a primer first and foremost to ensure that the product sticks to the skin and lasts longer. Very irregular and high embossed keloids are more difficult to disguise with makeup.

In the video below, blogger Niina Secrets teaches how to make a makeup to cover acne. In the case of scar and keloid, the principle is the same to cover with make. So check out her walkthrough and tips for masking scars and keloids on her face or other body parts:

Remember that before opting for any treatment or ointment, it is essential to consult your dermatologist. Only the specialist can indicate the best option for your type of scar or keloid.

Scar and Keloid Management - Andrew Vardanian, MD | UCLAMDCHAT (April 2024)

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