Learn how to deal with teens in a friendly manner.

After having children, no woman can sleep peacefully for an entire night. Only a mother knows that friendships, bad habits, and small acts of rebellion are cause for concern, not just a phase? soon, as the next of kin say. And as children grow to become teenagers, parental attention to maintaining control over their children also grows.

At this stage, the simple routine of going to school causes despair among the family, the educator Arlete Codo explains why:? During adolescence, the circle of friendships begins to widen. And afraid of what the outside world might offer, the mother begins to wonder, "Who is my child getting into?"

After puberty, which is when a child's body begins to develop sexual glands, does adolescence begin, according to the World Health Organization? WHO, from 10 years old. This evolution triggers physical changes and, with the discovery of one's own body, begins the behavioral changes. For this reason, it is natural for teens to be more sensitive to their experiences outside the home.

But when parents see this reserved behavior, it is natural for them to use methods to find out more about their child's personal life, which is not wrong, but it takes care not to push it further away. • Parents may touch their children's things, but when they are not present. Otherwise, will they feel pressured? Comments the educator.

Every teenager, and even children, needs privacy. Of course, you can't leave them free to do whatever they want. There is a limit that parents must respect. To follow the routine of children without pressing them, some actions are essential. Follow below:

  • Leave the computer in a common area of ​​the house, such as the living room, for example. You don't have to be behind your child while he is on the internet. After all, he will think twice before doing anything wrong knowing that parents can come in at any time;
  • When your child wants to go out with friends, leave. But take it and pick it up. It is important for the teenager to know that he has freedom, but that he has limits;
  • Do not allow your child to give you access to his room. He has to know that, despite being his little corner, he is part of the house and therefore belongs to everyone. So when cleaning or tidying the environment, rummage through cabinets and objects without the teenager seeing and noticing, of course.

The best way to interact with your teen and learn about his or her life, yearnings, and friendships is conversation. A good dialogue is the basis of a stable relationship. Never question your child, as the educator Arlete Codo explains: “The main focus of dialogue with the child is to show the path of good and evil in a friendly manner, always stressing the consequences of bad acts.

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  • Teens, Children and Teens
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