How to show him that I'm interested?

If you have heard that the first decisive step in a potential relationship must be taken by man, know that this view is completely wrong. Women have long overcome this barrier and can, on their own, show interest and even? Arrive? in the boy in question, without waiting for male goodwill.

While some women are uncomfortable with taking the initiative, others do so naturally that it is hard to believe that this role in the conquest game was not always theirs. If you belong to the first group and simply do not know how to show interest in that cat you know, follow the instructions below and break free.

Let yourself notice

Whether the man in question is a friend, his neighbor, or a complete stranger, he needs to note his presence. In the case of a club or bar, the situation is simpler because people are relaxed and often even looking to meet someone. In this case, just stand in the field of vision and work the look, to ensure that he notices you nearby.

If, on the other hand, you already live with it in some way, it is up to you to deepen that coexistence. Next time you find the cat, start a conversation about a random subject.

Start by talking about time, for example, to break the ice, and as you feel it matches your comments, try to identify common tastes, such as artists, movies, or books. Remember, the goal is to make him remember that you exist, so put the shame aside and take the first step.

Seek to tighten ties

After approaching the first few times, invite him to light activities where you can get to know him better and make sure that is what he wants. Call it casually for a happy hour or a draft, first with other people and later just the two of you. These seemingly innocent encounters already demonstrate that you are trying to get close to him, and slowly they will be important in getting you closer.

After some of these basic little programs, invest in more reserved invitations, like a movie theater or a lunch? This can be at your home or in a restaurant you like. At this point some men will have realized your intentions, and if they keep talking to you, it is probably because your interest is being matched.

Be direct

If the case is serious and the boy, even with all the signs, does not seem to understand what you really intend, the way is to have a frank conversation. But calm down, don't go jump on his neck without explaining things first, prefer subtlety.

Invite him out, choose a bar or some other place where you can chat with ease. Start by talking about generalities and slowly move the conversation to the point you really want to debate.

A good idea for the shy ones is to invite the cat to a place where you can dance. This kind of environment makes it easier, because the physical proximity and the need to talk close to his face can be powerful allies. Tell him how much you admire him and how much you like being with him. Wait for the answers and, depending on them, move on or simply maintain the friendship. And remember, don't humble yourself or stoop before him? If he does not show interest or even openly says that it does not correspond to your feelings, it is his right and you should go to another.

How to Show Him You LIKE Him Without SCARING Him Away (Formula) (April 2024)

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