10 Natural Headache Treatments

Headaches are terrible and unfortunately do not spare anyone. A World Health Organization (WHO) study found this to be one of the most common health problems worldwide, affecting up to 75% of adults 18 to 65 years. The causes can be varied, such as a hangover or excessive worries of everyday life.

The good news is that natural treatments can be great alternatives to conventional pharmaceutical medication. So if you need an easy solution against that sudden headache, we have some tips to help you.

1. Acupuncture and Acupressure

Several studies have scientifically proven the effectiveness of acupuncture in preventing and treating headaches and migraine attacks. In cases of headache, traditional Chinese medicine techniques produce analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant effect. Can acupuncture promote immediate pain relief and treat its causes? as stated by physiotherapist and acupuncturist Daiane Perez.

But for those who don't find needles a very nice idea, acupressure is an alternative. Does the treatment use the same principles as acupuncture, replacing needles with a simple touch system? applying and releasing pressure on the points called meridians of the body. One of these points is between the thumb and index finger (use the thumb and index finger of the other hand and press the joint), explains the expert.

2. Self Massage

Most headaches have a tension origin. Therefore, a massage may actually be able to relieve pain. Does massage, in addition to muscles, stimulate blood circulation? This is because the friction of the hands causes heat in the region and increases the caliber of the vessels. The result is decreased pain.

Against headaches, the tip is to rest your elbows on a chair or table. Then place your hands on your temples (at the end of each eyebrow) and make clockwise and counterclockwise circular motions.

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is also a natural way to relieve headaches without resorting to painkillers. The essential oils? substances removed from plants and concentrating therapeutic benefits? it can be inhaled, applied to the temples or in cold compresses.

The most suitable aroma is that of lavender, for its relaxing properties that can soothe the tension headache. So if you are prone to headaches, try sprinkling the lavender essence on the pillow, for example. If the nuisance is foodborne (excessive sugar or alcohol, for example), it is worth using mint oil.

4. Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are made from variously diluted plant, mineral and animal substances. But before resorting to the? Droplets? homeopathic, it is advisable to consult a professional. The essence of therapy is to look at the patient as a whole (lifestyle, personality, etc.), so the formula your friend uses will not always be right for you.

5. Foot Climbing

Severe and sudden headache attacks can be countered with a footbath. Just soaking your feet in a basin of hot water already helps a lot to activate circulation, providing a feeling of well-being. The water should be up to the ankles at a temperature of about 40 °. Do the foot bath for 15 minutes.

6. Cold Packs

Putting a cold cloth dampened with cold water over the eyes or an ice pack where the pain seems to have started is a good way to ease the discomfort. The tip is simple, but it is important to keep the compress for an average of 20 minutes for pain relief to be realized.

7. Water

Now stop and think: How many glasses of water did you drink today? Are headaches sometimes caused by dehydration? a way the body finds to claim the lack of this liquid so important to the body's functioning.

Even if you don't feel so thirsty, don't forget to drink water. And it's not worth simply replacing with other drinks. In fact, sodas, teas and coffee can sneakily contribute to dehydration and increase headaches.

8. Sleep well

Just lying down and keeping your eyes closed for half an hour or so can be one of the best treatments for a headache. For some types of headache, such as migraines, sleep seems to be the only thing that interrupts the pain cycle.

Quality sleep not only treats, but mainly avoids headaches.It is therefore important to regulate the pace of rest nights. Both deprivation and excess sleep can trigger headaches.

9. Food

Are some foods able to interfere with brain chemistry, causing blood vessels to dilate? one of the causes of pain. Foods rich in nitrates (cold and embedded) or those rich in phenylalanine (chocolate) and tyramine (cheese and wine) are villains in the diet of those who want to avoid headaches.

In addition to paying attention to the menu, do not skip meals. When fasting, glucose concentration in the blood drops and causes an imbalance. The result is the headache.

10. Control stress

The best treatment will always be prevention. So if like thousands of people you are a victim of the headaches caused by everyday stress, try to better address the causes of these worries. Look for activities to distract, relax and rest (mind and body) whenever possible.

It is important to remember that these tips apply to that occasional headache. If you experience pain often, the situation may be more serious and you should consult a doctor.

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