Myths about green tea, shakes and coconut oil

Not everything is valid when it comes to weight loss. In search of a lean body, do women often resort to amphetamines without guidance? appetite suppressant banned in Brazil, natural herbal and leaf products, shakes, pills, among others. But, it is important to remember that from the most harmless tea or most aggressive medicine, these products are capable of having the opposite effect or even being harmful to health.

For this reason, the first tip is: do not believe everything you hear. And the second: Keep a healthy diet and exercise often. Still, if the ingestion of any product is necessary, should be accompanied by a professional ?, recommends nutritionist Joana Botas.

Green tea

The habit of drinking green tea is directly related to diets and formulas? Magic? of weight loss. In fact, the drink has thermogenic substances, which accelerate metabolism and, as a consequence, helps in burning fat.

However, the isolated fact of drinking green tea does not mean that the consumer will lose weight. It is no use taking regular doses of the product and not maintaining healthy habits.


Shakes, often tied to private labs, help in the battle against extra pounds, but provided they are used correctly. This product is designed to replace one of the main meals of the day, lunch or dinner. Again, the product alone has no effect. On the contrary, if someone only resolves to drink shake without excluding a meal, she may end up gaining a few extra pounds.

Coconut oil

Again the? Treatment? to lose weight runs into the lack of information. In liquid form, coconut oil can be used to replace traditional oil in food preparation. One of the advantages is that it is part of the vegetable fat group and is therefore healthier. By contrast, it is high in saturated fat and, when consumed in excess or at the same time as other "fatty" foods, can increase weight.

"No natural or manipulated product is so magical that it burns body fat on its own, except forbidden medicines, which are never indicated," warns the nutritionist. ? Therefore, it is worth drinking green tea, for example, if you combine consumption with a healthier lifestyle ,? concludes Joana.

Easy Keto Fat Bomb Recipe: Citrus Matcha Green Tea Latte- Thomas DeLauer (April 2024)

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