How to teach your child how to clean the room

Play is known to be fundamental in children's development. According to scholars such as Vygotsky, a Russian thinker whose studies claim that children's intellectual development occurs as a result of social interactions, it is through play that children rearrange their experiences.

However, while rearranging their experiences, toys and the play environment remain disorganized. In such cases, the mission of getting children to keep their surroundings clean and organized becomes a challenge for parents, who must have the patience and creativity to encourage little ones to store and organize their personal belongings after the fun is over. Below are suggestions for how to teach your child how to clean the room.

1 ? Teach the child how to tidy up

Teaching your child how to tidy up the play environment is critical. It can be difficult for children to understand what you mean when you use general terms like? Tidy up your room? or? organize this mess?

Therefore, you need to give more specific orders such as "remove the toys from the floor, store them in the box and put the box in the closet".

Even if organizational tasks are not entirely successful in the beginning, be patient and repeat the procedure over and over so that the child becomes accustomed to and learns the practice of tidiness.

2 ? Arrange joking

Another suggestion is to stimulate organization through play. So the task of tidying up the mess in the bedroom does not become a burden, but a continuation of the fun. Jokes like? Who saves faster? or? who keeps more? can work well.

3? Create routines

For children, routines are necessary. Therefore, make it clear to the little ones that after playing they should keep the toys, or after removing something from the closet, clothes or shoes, they should put them back. Make sure your organization's rules are adhered to and clarify the reason for each rule.

Highlight the advantages of keeping the room organized, such as the ease with which you easily find what you want and be sure to catch your child's attention each time a rule is broken. Children can be very resistant to organization, so in addition to repetition, the reward for good tidiness can be a way to motivate little ones.

4? Encourage them by giving their example

As with other tasks that should be taught to children, such as hygiene habits, for example, the best way to encourage little ones to keep their room tidy is through the example of their parents. So make sure to keep the couple's room in order.

Avoid leaving objects scattered around the house, help children with their room cleaning or invite them to help tidy up their own room. At each step of the organization, explain what you are doing and have fun with it so that the task does not seem like a burden, but something pleasurable.

How to Teach Kids to Clean - Clean Your Room it's Fun! (March 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
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