Pasty white discharge is cause for concern? Gynecologists respond

Most women aware of their intimate health have already worried when they noticed a change in the volume, color or odor of so-called "vaginal discharge". Many question, for example, what a "pasty white discharge" can mean.

In fact, this kind of doubt exists because not everyone knows exactly what discharge represents, when it may indicate a health problem, and when it is considered "normal."

Mariana Halla, an obstetrician and gynecologist with medical residency and specialization in Endocrine Gynecology, a member of the International Menopause Society-IMS, explains that? Discharge? It is the popular term for increased vaginal discharge when a woman has a fungal, bacterial or protozoal infection. "It can be white, yellowish and even greenish, causing itching, burning, pain and stench," he says.

Janio Serafim, a gynecologist at St. Helena Hospital, points out that discharge (or vaginitis) may have an unpleasant odor and cause symptoms such as vulvovaginal itch, pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse or other symptoms.

The main causes of the discharge, according to Seraphim, are:

Read also: 7 vaginal problems and how to deal with each of them

  • Vaginal infections;
  • Vulvites and vulvovaginites;
  • Cervical or cervical infections;
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

Frederico Corrêa, obstetric gynecologist at Santa Lucia Hospital and the FertilCare Clinic in Brasilia, points out that it is important to differentiate vaginal discharge from physiological vaginal discharge (which is normal and not associated with infections).

The main types of discharge

Frederico Corrêa explains that the types of vaginal discharge may vary depending on the cause, ie the type of associated infection. "The most common discharges are those that occur due to the presence of a fungal infection called Candida, and those that occur due to infection with bacteria or protozoa." Below, Corrêa further details the characteristics of these major infections that cause discharge:

Candidiasis: Infection of the vaginal walls with the fungus can lead to a white, 'cream of milk' discharge, without a fetid odor, but usually associated with vaginal and vulvar itching.

Bacterial Vaginosis: a type of infection caused by bacteria present in the vagina, the most common being Garnerella vaginalis. ? The discharge is abundant, with bubbles, has a gray-white color, with a very foul odor similar to "rotten fish", not associated with itching, "explains Corrêa.

Trichomoniasis: infection caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, a protozoan transmitted by intercourse. "The discharge in this case is abundant, green-yellow in color, with a foul odor, may be associated with not very intense itching and pelvic pain," explains the gynecologist.

Read also: Vaginal Itching: Understand the Reasons of the Problem and Know How to Avoid

José Ferreira Gomes Neto, Santa Gynecologist and member of the Brazilian Society of Gynecology, stresses that the most common discharge is caused by Candida and Gardnerella vaginalis.

Janio Serafim adds that another known type of discharge is associated with cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix, of viral, bacterial or parasitic origin). Such irritation may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, HPV.

White discharge without smell and without itching

Mariana points out that it is very important to differentiate? Discharge? (disease) of normal vaginal discharge. “Every woman has a small amount of fluid-free, odorless white discharge out of the vagina, that's good and keeps it lubricated. At the time of ovulation, about 10 to 14 days after menstruation comes, there is a large release of mucus, a kind of colorless gelatin, to facilitate sexual intercourse and rise of sperm for fertilization ?, explains.

Frederico Corrêa explains that many of the cases described as discharge by women are actually the vagina's exteriorization of secretions from the glands in the uterus, cervix and vaginal wall. ? Therefore, the vaginal discharge exits no foul odor, white or light in color? Transparent, without itching, are absolutely normal and depend on various aspects such as the phase of the menstrual cycle, the use or not of contraceptives, the state of hydration of women, among others ?.

The volume of these vaginal fluids may vary at different times in the same woman. In these cases, there is no cause for concern. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, vaginal fluid is abundant and clear, but after ovulation it becomes thick and whitish ?, adds the gynecologist.

Thick white discharge with itching and irritation

Mariana says it is possibly a yeast infection. ? It is not normal and an appointment with the gynecologist doctor ?, advises.

Frederico Corrêa reinforces that the discharge with these characteristics is very suggestive of Candida infection, fungus responsible for candidiasis. In these cases, mainly due to vaginal irritation and itching, women tend to seek health care more quickly. After the diagnosis is confirmed, should the appropriate treatment be performed ?, he says.

Corrêa also explains that the treatment of candidiasis should be done with oral or vaginal antifungal drugs in the form of creams or eggs. Candidiasis is a common infection in women and is closely related to immunity. It is very common, for example, after use of antibiotics to treat other diseases, for modifying the vaginal flora and facilitating the growth of the fungus. Women with changes in immunity are more likely to have vaginal candidiasis ?, says.

Mariana points out how to prevent this thick white discharge with itching and irritation (associated with fungal infection):

  • Local hygiene measures: such as washing with area-based or glycerine soaps.
  • Avoid overeating these toiletries and always rinse very well.
  • Keep the genital area dry by avoiding long wet bikinis.
  • Wash panties avoiding washing powder, preferring coconut soap or ones for this purpose.
  • Avoid very tight clothes in everyday life and sleep without panties.
  • Moderate the consumption of sugar and refined white flour because they are true? Foods? for the fungi.

Corrêa recalls that the fungus has a preference for hot and humid environments. Therefore, it reinforces the use of lighter, airy clothes, which help to reduce the risk of candidiasis. "Care of immunity is also important to prevent recurrent infections," he adds.

Can thick white discharge be a sign of pregnancy?

Gomes Neto points out that no discharge is a sign of pregnancy. "There is cervical mucus that increases in quantity during the period of ovulation." But it should not be said that this is discharge.

Frederico Corrêa points out that in pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, the presence of white and thick secretion is common, especially in the first months of pregnancy. The high level of progesterone, an important hormone in pregnancy, causes this modification in cervical mucus that acquires these characteristics. Nothing should be done about this, because this type of secretion is normal and physiological ?, he says.

Janio Serafim points out that during the menstrual cycle, the amount, color and texture of cervical mucus change, thanks to hormonal fluctuations, as well as during pregnancy.

In suspected pregnancy, as Seraphim guides, the woman should seek her obstetrician to make a specific assessment and request the necessary tests.

7 signs that discharge is not normal

Janio Serafim points out that not every vaginal discharge is a disease. The vagina has a combination of fluids and cells that are important in protecting it. The woman should, however, be alert when:

  1. There is increased volume of vaginal content;
  2. The color changes from white and crystalline to grayish yellow, pus yellow, greenish yellow, green, yellowish white or other colors;
  3. The panties are damp every day and can even move to the outer clothes;
  4. If there is a fetid odor, especially during the menstrual cycle or after intercourse;
  5. If you feel burning or painful urination;
  6. If there is vulvovaginal itching;
  7. If there is pelvic pain, pain during intercourse or other symptoms.

Gomes Neto reinforces: discharge ceases to be physiological when it becomes symptomatic. In other words, when the woman begins to feel itching, burning, stench or an increase in quantity. Therefore, consult your doctor for a gynecological exam.

Now you know: vaginal content should not be cause for concern. However, if you notice changes in your volume, color or odor, as well as symptoms such as itching and pain (urination, intercourse), do not hesitate to seek medical advice to diagnose and treat the cause of the discharge.

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