24 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong In The Kitchen And You Don't Even Know

Some say that cooking is a therapy indeed! Doesn't it matter if the prepared dish will be for your boyfriend or husband, for the family, for a class of friends or simply for yourself? The really good thing is to put your hand in the dough and then, of course, see what? hit? in preparation!

But all the people? even those who cook daily? They are liable to make some mistakes in the kitchen: whether it is preparing and storing food, cleaning it and also cooking it in general.

Below is a list of some mistakes you may be making in the kitchen, but you have no idea, as well as professional advice on the subject. Write down the tips and rock the kitchen!

In the preparation and consumption of food

1. Do not choose fresh food

Wilson Kano, director of the ObentôMania chain, which specializes in Japanese lunchboxes and creator of the chain's menu, points out that the preparation of food begins with his purchase, that is, with the choice of food. "The fresher the better," he explains.

2. Save food without separating it

Wilson explains that there are several mistakes made by those who are not used to cooking often, but the most common mistake is to store food without separating it. "That is, when storing, should separate all foods, to avoid cross contamination," he says.

Read also: 26 Smart Ways To Save In The Kitchen

3. Not respecting the right cooking time

According to Dom Divino Patisserie chef Rodrigo Torres, one of the most common mistakes, mainly made by the most lay people in the kitchen, is not respecting the right cooking time for foods such as fish meat and even vegetables.

So if you are unsure about this, do not hesitate to talk to a person who has more experience in the kitchen and / or follow the guidelines of a recipe you trust.

4. Overdoing the spice

Another very common mistake, according to chef Rodrigo, is to believe that the more seasoning you add to the dish, the better it gets. "We always have to wonder if any particular seasoning or ingredient will harmonize with the rest of the components of our preparation," he says.

5. Overdo the pepper

This is a somewhat subjective matter. Rodrigo points out that the pepper to be chosen may vary according to the product to be seasoned or even the characteristics of the dish to be served. ? In Mexican cuisine, for example, a lot of pepper is used and is a specific feature of this cuisine? So good Mexican food should be spicy? He says.

But in general dishes, I would advise using the most commonly used pepper in the kitchen: black pepper. In addition to adding a slight spicy tone to the food, it also has delicious aroma and flavor ?, adds the chef.

Read also: Fair: Get the Best Food and Prices at the Right Time

6. Excess salt

Wilson points out that salt is a product that everyone consumes, but the amount depends on one's taste. Therefore, the tip I give is always to put less than you think is correct, because once put, there is no way to remove it. But if salt lacks the taste of some, just add? He says.

7. Do not arrange ingredients when preparing a dish

Many people spend a lot of time preparing the ingredients of a recipe (slicing tomatoes, onions, etc., for example). Rodrigo points out that the main tip to make this process more agile is organization. "Before you start preparing the dish, it is essential to know exactly all the ingredients that will incorporate the preparation and how each one will be cut or prepared," he says.

If you have a cutting board and a very sharp knife that helps a lot, the chef adds. Work in steps. For example: first chop all onion and set aside; then start pre-preparing the next ingredient. At the time of dish preparation, if you have each of its components correctly pre-prepared, separated and organized, it will make your job much easier, he adds.

8. Cut the onion in the? Wrong direction?

A lot of people? Suffer? time to cut onions? ingredient used in most dishes? due to the stinging in their eyes and still wasting a lot of time at this stage of preparing a dish.

In the video below, you can check how to cut onion in a practical way and also avoiding that unpleasant burning in the eyes:

9. Do not use a processor

Wilson points out that the easiest and fastest way to prepare food is "using technology to our advantage, that is, a food processor helps a lot in food preparation," he says.

10Use the same knife for all types of food

Wilson points out that there are different knives for food groups. For example: to cut vegetables the ideal is to use small knives; to fillet fish, it must be long and thin; for meat, should they be bigger ?, he says.

11. Do not stir the noodles at the time of preparation

Wilson explains that the amount of water needed to cook a pasta is what can cover and make all the pasta. "And that when cooking, it floats, because contact with the bottom of the pan will make it stick," he says.

"But more important than the amount of water is cooking constantly stirring so that the strands don't stick," he adds.

12. Peel all fruit

Many people have the custom of peeling all kinds of fruits. But can some of them be / should be consumed or used in shell recipes?

Rodrigo explains that the main factor is the nutritional issue. • In the case of fruits such as apple and pear, virtually every source of fiber is in their shells. When we remove the shell, then we lose this source of fiber that is very important to maintain a balanced diet ?, he says.

So the tip is: if possible consume the fruit with its peel to better enjoy the benefits it can offer.

13. Reheat pizza in the microwave

Do you have the habit of heating pizza in the microwave ?! Have you noticed that the piece usually comes out a little "soaked", right?

So the tip is: instead of the microwave, use a frying pan to gently heat the pizza slices? which will remain crispy while the cheese will have melted again.

In storage

14. Failure to observe food storage instructions

Rodrigo points out that when working with food, the person needs to be very careful in storage, because each type of raw material has ideal storage conditions. "For example, the ideal storage temperature for a fresh fish fillet is not the same as for a fillet steak," he says.

"Other products like fresh cream, butter, cream cheese and other perishables also have their ideal cooling temperature," he adds.

Storage indications, according to the chef, in most cases come on the product packaging. "And if we do not follow these specifications, we may lose the ideal and original characteristics of products," he says.

15. Not paying attention to the validity of the products

In stocking, as Chef Rodrigo explains, we must always be alert to use products that have the closest expiration date. ? A good tip is to always leave them in front of the ones with the highest validity? So, whenever you take it off the shelf, you'll get what needs to be used first?

16. Refrigerate all types of food

Rodrigo points out that there are some foods that should be kept out of the fridge. Some examples are potatoes, garlic, tomatoes, bananas. In most of these cases, the low temperature of the refrigerator may end up reducing the validity of the product or changing its ideal characteristics ?, explains.

17. Do not store fresh herbs properly

After buying fresh herbs, the ideal, according to Wilson, is to wash and dry these herbs. "And then put them in the fridge, always in separate pots," he says.

18. Put sheets in refrigerator without even taking them out of plastic bag

After buying leaves (arugula, lettuce, watercress, etc.), some people don't even take them out of the plastic bag and put them in the fridge drawer. However, this is not the proper procedure.

"The ideal is to remove the leaves that are not in good condition, wash, dry and store in separate pots," says Wilson.

19. Cover still hot food

Wilson explains that it's okay to store hot food in the fridge. "But always be careful not to cover the food still hot," he says.

"The ideal is to keep it open and only cover it after two hours," adds the professional.

In food hygiene

20. Do not wash food well

Wilson points out that food should always be well washed. Because besides dust and dirt that impregnate in food, many of them contain pesticides. So you need to sanitize well ?, he says.

21. Not protecting against Salmonellosis

Is this an infection transmitted by different species of salmonella? bacteria that are transmitted by eating raw or undercooked food contaminated by feces.

Wilson explains that the best way to protect against infection is to wash and sanitize food well and eat it well cooked.

22. Not taking care of personal hygiene

To deal with food, personal hygiene is essential. "Having trimmed nails, a hair cap and proper uniform (in the case of professionals) is the most important when dealing with food," says Rodrigo.

All utensils and equipment used in food handling and preparation, according to the chef, must be properly cleaned and stored.

"Another nice tip is to constantly clean your hands throughout the production process, ensuring that your hand is free of bacteria or microorganisms that can contaminate the food," says Rodrigo.

23. Do not look at kitchenware packaging

Rodrigo points out that every type of kitchen utensil or equipment has a correct way to be sanitized. The material from which the utensil is made largely determines the best method for sanitizing or storing it. Are these recommendations usually found on the product packaging?

24. Not cleaning the kitchen properly

Wilson explains in relation to the kitchen as an environment, any corner or edge that is not well sanitized may contain health-damaging bacteria. "So the advice I give is always to wash well and with the right products," he points out.

With the guidance of professionals, it is much easier to organize in the kitchen and avoid these mistakes! Thus, cooking will be an even more enjoyable task that will bring great results (or rather: delicious dishes!).


  • Kitchen, Organization
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