Pilates exercises for the spine

Poor posture in everyday life by causing damage to the spine. And to combat this nuisance, the pilates It has appropriate techniques that help relieve pain through physical conditioning and postural rehabilitation.

It also promotes the strengthening and stretching of the whole body muscles in a balanced way. O pilates It can be practiced by anyone of any age group. But before starting the exercises, a physical evaluation is essential.

Some pilates exercises for the spine They can be done at home, but anyone with a back problem should be given extra attention and the supervision of a qualified professional monitoring the exercises to avoid serious injuries.

For the exercises to be done correctly and have great results, you need to use the elastic band for pilates, also known as theraband, or a towel folded lengthwise.

Follow the instructions and learn how to do four. pilates exercises for the spine. Practice at home to relieve back pain.

First exercise

The first exercise is to lengthen the posterior thigh and leg muscles. Lying down, place the folded band or towel on your right foot and stretch the entire posterior musculature of the right leg. Keep the base leg well extended on the mat, shoulders well relaxed and head well supported. Hold for approximately one minute, breathing freely. Repeat the same movement with the other leg.

Second exercise

Still lying down, place the sash in the shin area. Raise the trunk and hold the band between your legs. Make a pumping motion with your arms, breathing in and out in five steps, repeating this breathing cycle ten times. The abdominals should be well fired keeping the navel? Glued? the column.

Third exercise

This exercise is known as roll down. Sitting and with your spine well erect, wrap the band on the soles of the feet, joining the lower limbs tightly. Hold the band near your ankles and exhale lightly, begin to lie down slowly. Perform this movement by segmenting all vertebrae in the spine. Exhale lightly and slowly return to sitting and upright position, repeating this movement four to five times.

Fourth exercise

To finish the pilates exercises for the spine, machete squat. Stand on top of the strip with your feet slightly apart. Holding one end of the strap in each hand, lower your hip toward the floor, slightly bending your torso forward, and raise your arms to shoulder height increasing the tension in the strap. Exhale while making the move and inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise five to eight times. Be sure to keep your spine always erect and your abs in motion.

Beginners Back Exercises for Strengthening your Back Muscles (April 2024)

  • Fitness, Pilates
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