Risks of changing jobs often

At the beginning of professional life it is very positive to have different experiences in different companies, as it demonstrates search for evolution and new learning. However, if frequent job changes become standard, there is a risk that the professional will not be welcomed by contractors.

According to human resources specialists, changing jobs can often be a sign that the professional has problems in terms of professional competence, interpersonal relationships or commitment to the places where he works, proving to be unstable.

According to Andréa de Paula Santos, a partner at Ascend RH and a specialist in recruiting top and middle management executives, it is not recommended to complete cycles of one year or two at the most in each company. Professionals should generally meet medium-term cycles of 4 to 5 years.

Difficulty checking competence

This preference of human resources professionals for people who spend more time inside a company is also due to the fact that the evolutionary trajectory of a person can be better verified by making an analysis of their performance within the same company.

Professional stability in the same company is an issue valued by the market as a demonstration of competence.

Sign of professional immaturity

Long cycles of permanence within a company demonstrate professional maturity, a fundamental characteristic for a professional to achieve higher positions.

The maturity shown by working longer in a company is seen by the fact that the professional has been able to adapt to the work environment, maintain good interpersonal relationships and not easily give up at the slightest sign of difficulty.

Demonstration of lack of commitment

Companies are interested in decreasing the turnover rate of professionals, so they are looking for people who show commitment to the company and the challenges that will arise.

Professionals who claim to have changed jobs solely for salary reasons are seen as? Auctioneers? who do not value projects and have no passion for work, being interested only in increasing their income without effort and merit.

Unproven Ascension Merits

To excel at work and grow within the same company, the professional takes one to two years, a period necessary to have participated in any project that already has a consolidated result. Those who spend little time in a company lose the chance of being noticed by their superiors and have a rise with proven merits.

The career growth goal professional does not have to always be looking outside, he can pursue growth within the company. Do companies have space for those who want to make a difference ?, advises expert Andréa de Paula Santos.

Who wants to try to speed up the professional cycles and be valued faster, should try to participate in projects whose results come soon.

The change in hierarchical level within the same company is more valued than if it is in a transition between companies, because recruiters can understand that the company that hired it with a higher hierarchical level only gave a? Vote of confidence? to the professional.

A qualified professional, even aware of new opportunities in the job market, should know how to try to bring the news to his career, developing his talents, being happy with projects that interest him and have the potential to make him be recognized and grow.

Take Risks And Fail Often - Career Advice Tip #18 (April 2024)

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