Scalp Exfoliation Aids Hair Growth

Ten out of ten women want silky, shiny and healthy hair, which requires specific care and treatment for each type of hair. Also, many women would like to discover a magic formula to make locks grow faster.

One of the habits that can help women achieve these desires is hair exfoliation. That's right, you are not reading wrong. Just like the skin, the scalp needs to go through this cleansing process to eliminate impurities and waste.

The dermatologist, a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, Maria Fernanda Tembra, explains that the scalp retains dust, greasiness and especially cosmetic waste. All of this tends to make hair look heavy and dirty and prevent cell renewal. "The soft granules of the exfoliating composition favor cell renewal and activate blood microcirculation, which helps increase the arrival of nutrients and oxygen to the hair bulb," he explains.

Exfoliation provides better circulation of nutrients in the scalp. This can result in faster and healthier growth. Will massage during application keep your hair healthy and unclog the pores, making the hair grow stronger ?, adds the dermatologist.

She points out this caution for women who have oily hair, seborrheic dermatitis and who live in environments with excessive pollution. However, for those who do not fit these criteria, the habit of exfoliating the scalp can also be good, as we use cosmetic products that accumulate on the scalp.

But be cautious, do not repeat the exfoliation daily. "It is indicated to use the product once a week or every 15 days", warns the dermatologist. Apply to damp scalp and gently massage the head with your fingertips for a few minutes. Let the time indicated by the product manufacturer act and rinse well. Then do a normal wash using your usual shampoo and conditioner.

The dermatologist explains that there are already on the market several brands that produce specific products for hair exfoliation. That is, options will not be missing. Research the quality of products with your hairdresser or with your friends.

But if by chance you need to have a hair scrub urgently and don't have the specific product at home, the dermatologist gives you a homemade hair scrub recipe that can save your hair at this time of distress. • You will need one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of natural yogurt. Mix the two ingredients and apply to moist scalp, massaging for two minutes. Then wash your hair normally ?, explains Maria Fernanda.

The expert warns that exfoliation should not be done in case the woman's scalp is sensitive. Also avoid exfoliating the same day you have some chemical treatment such as straightening or coloring. This avoids hurting, irritating or causing skin allergy in the area.

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