The best age to get pregnant

Being a mother is part of most women's dreams. But many still have questions and wonder about the best age to get pregnant.

Although the first menstruation signals that a woman's body is ready to have a baby, the female genital system matures only around the age of 18.

Doctors recommend that the best age to have a child is around the age of 20 and 30, when the woman is most fertile. With advancing age, egg production decreases and the difficulty of getting pregnant increases.

There are also risks of complications such as pregnancy hypertension, miscarriage, premature birth, child malformation. Still, medical advances allow women over 35 to plan a safe pregnancy.

Although health conditions influence the planning of a pregnancy, what determines the right time and the best age to become a mother is the emotional preparation of the woman.

The future mom needs to be psychologically prepared to take on such responsibility. Proof of this is that it is becoming increasingly common for women who prefer to postpone the dream of motherhood to pursue other life projects, such as studying and working.

A planned pregnancy accompanied by good nutrition, exercise and medical follow-up are essential factors for a healthy and peaceful pregnancy for both mother and baby.

What You Should Know About Pregnancy After Age 35 (April 2024)

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