The Chemical Hazards of Sexual Lubricants

Lack of lubrication in intimacy is extremely common and happens for several reasons. Aging, pregnancy, health problems, and even common medications such as antihistamines and antidepressants often cause vaginal dryness and contribute to pain during sex and the associated low libido that develops.

The lubricant market is saturated with options, but when you look beyond packaging, you should know that over 95% of lubricants are made with petrochemical ingredients, including propylene glycol, a derivative used in products like antifreeze and brake fluid and polyethylene glycol, used in laxatives and oven cleaners. These are largely preserved with methyl and propyl paraben which have been selected as possible carcinogens.

The most worrying result of using these types of lubricants is that women who use them are 13 times more likely to get bacterial vaginosis compared to women who use nothing. This is a public health crisis because the number of women affected by bacterial vaginosis is quite high. Worse yet, 84% of women who have, do not know. Most alarmingly, women with the problem are 60% more likely to contract other sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

Best Natural Personal Lubricant (April 2024)

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