The Importance Of Chewing

It is common to find people concerned about the quality of their food, what kind of food they are eating, eating low fat, favoring vegetables and other care. But few people pay due attention to the importance of chewing, which is the first step to good digestion.

Most digestive problems, such as heartburn, poor digestion, drowsiness after a meal, may be due to insufficient chewing. Swallowing food into large chunks makes the stomach need more effort to shred them, and this can cause these common digestive disorders.

Therefore, whatever the food, chewing is a great ally in the digestive process. Teeth grinding reduces food into smaller pieces, which makes digestion a faster and healthier process.

But it is not just in the digestive process that chewing assists. When you chew your food well, you feel fuller and faster.

That is, the person feels satiated with a smaller amount of food and this helps in controlling the amount of food eaten. And in addition to all the health benefits, with more gentle chewing, the flavors of the food also get more intense and you enjoy your meals better.

Tips for a good chew

For slower chewing and healthier digestion, here are some tips. Rest the cutlery while chewing so you avoid putting more food while your mouth is still full.

Enjoy the taste of the food, taste and the texture of the food. Take time to eat your meals and don't eat in front of the TV. To chew well and slowly you need to focus on the meal.

Why Chewing Your Food is Important - Mike Adams (aka The Health Ranger) (April 2024)

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