10 Benefits of Consuming Oatmeal

Besides delicious, oats are full of nutrients important for the proper functioning of our body. Still want to be convinced to include it in your diet? Then know 10 reasons to do so:

  1. It is a low calorie food
    A cup of oatmeal has only 130 calories! In addition, it also stays in your stomach longer, making you feel fuller longer. This way you will feel less hungry and craving for other foods.
  2. It is full of nutrients
    Oats have high levels of fiber, low levels of fat and are on the list of foods with the highest protein level compared to other grains.
  3. Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
    The high amount of fiber and carbohydrates delay the conversion of this food into simple sugars. High levels of magnesium nourish the body and supply adequate levels of glucose and insulin secretion.
  4. Lowers bad cholesterol without affecting good cholesterol
    Many studies have shown that oat fiber, called beta-glucan, has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels.
  5. It is gluten free
    If you have a gluten allergy, or have celiac disease, don't worry. Oatmeal is harmless to your diet. But be aware: some processed oatmeal may contain gluten trails, so always check the information on the label of the products you consume.
  6. Contains linganines, which protect against heart disease and cancer
    Oatmeal, like many whole grains, contains vegetable lignans, which are converted to intestinal flora in lignans. This conversion protects the body from possible heart disease and cancer in general.
  7. Contains antioxidants against cardiovascular disease
    The antioxidant avenanthramides, found exclusively in oats, helps prevent free radicals from harmful LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  8. Protects against heart failure
    A Harvard study of 21,000 participants over 19 showed that men who like a daily bowl of whole grain (unrefined) grains had a 29 percent lower risk of heart failure.
  9. Improves the immune system
    Beta-gluten fiber has also been shown to help eliminate bacteria, which can prevent disease.
  10. It is delicious!
    Oatmeal goes through a heat process that gives it a nutty flavor. Who adheres to the benefits of oats ensures that it is a habit, besides healthy, very tasty!

Healthy and easy breakfast recipe for recovery: Overnight oatmeal (April 2024)

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