10 Natural Soothing that Help Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, and Even Depression

It is a fact: most people live today with that feeling that? Time flies ?! Just repair? It was Monday, and soon comes Friday; the weekend begins, but in the blink of an eye it ends! And so on? In a "running cycle" that has no end and that often causes damage to people's health and quality of life.

Not surprisingly, many people today suffer or know someone who suffers from depression, anxiety, or some other problem that calls for the use of some tranquilizer or soothing. Unfortunately, due to today's lifestyle, and this? Fast pace? which seems to rule the lives of all people, that kind of problem is growing all over the world!

In this context, many people end up going for drug treatments, however, they are not always the most appropriate option, as in many cases they can cause chemical dependence and / or other side effects.

The? Natural Soothing? They then emerge as a safer alternative, promising not to cause harm to the body, but at the same time helping the person to control anxiety attacks or other related problems.

Who has never heard, for example, the guidance of drinking chamomile tea to calm down ?! But are natural tranquilizers really effective? Which ones to opt for? Below, Regina Moraes Teixeira, Functional Nutritionist, Specialist in Food Reeducation, Phytotherapy in Nutrition and Gestational Nutrition, talks about substances that actually act as? Calming? and help in many situations!

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10 Natural Soothing Soothing Allies

Many natural substances can help those who, for various reasons, need to calm down. But, it is worth noting, they do not do miracles; should be associated with other factors such as some changes in habit and behavior. Also, in some cases, even medical treatment may be necessary? in this case, guided by a doctor.

But below are some examples of natural tranquilizers that really make a difference and can be great allies in everyday rush:

1. Passion fruit

Its effects are already much talked about and, in fact, passion fruit can be a great ally. This is because the fruit contains alkaloids and flavonoids, which are depressants of the central nervous system, act as a pain reliever and muscle relaxant. Passion fruit tea is often used to control anxiety ?, comments Regina.

2. Chamomile

The tip? Have a chamomile tea to calm down? It really makes sense! Regina explains that chamomile's main nutrient is flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory action and are excellent antioxidants, fighting free radicals and preventing chronic diseases.

It also contains coumarin, also antioxidant, and glicenia, which is the substance that exerts soothing power on the nerves, helping to relax. The apigenin flavonoid that is present in the plant binds to GABA receptors in a similar way to benzodiazepines, reducing anxiety ?, explains the nutritionist.

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3. Fennel

Fennel, according to Regina, is rich in potassium, vitamin C, B6, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, calcium, and concentration-enhancing flavonoids. of glutathione, excellent antioxidants. "By encouraging the production of melatonin, it also acts as a relaxing sleep inducer since melatonin is the hormone responsible for the sleep cycle," he explains.

4. Valerian

Regina explains that valerian acts on neurotransmitters and induces sleep. "But, it is worth mentioning, it should only be taken with a prescription, as it can interfere with metabolism due to interactions with other drugs," he says.

5. Kava-kava

According to Regina, kava-kava is considered an anxiolytic, widely used for over three thousand years by natives of Polynesian islands and Malaysia, for the treatment of diseases, because of its sedative effect.

There are still many studies on its anxiolytic effects, but anyway, it should only be used with a prescription, since its use has contraindications and interacts with used drugs. Its continuous use, or even in excess, can cause liver failure ?, highlights the nutritionist specializing in herbal medicine.

6. Hops

Hops (Humulus lupulus) is a medicinal plant widely used in brewing, but can also be used to treat various health problems. Regina points out that hops have relaxing, soothing, anaphrodisiac, antibacterial, antiseptic, diuretic properties, among others.

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In this sense, among many other effects, hops can help in the treatment of restlessness, anxiety and sleep disturbances.

7. St. John's Wort

It is a plant often used as a laxative, diuretic, to treat insomnia, headaches, etc. It is also known to help fight depression.

Regina points out that St. John's wort contains hypericin and its complexes, has soothing action, but should be prescribed by doctors. "Because consuming it wrong can be harmful to health," he warns.

8. Cardamom

Regina explains that this is an aromatic herb that contains iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, B and C. All of this is great for digestion, for immunity, has laxative and expectorant effect. Exerts a soothing power in the digestive tract often used to treat gastritis and dyspepsia ?, highlights.

9. Pepper

Regina explains that the pepper works as a soothing because it is rich in vitamin C and because it contains endorphin, a brain-made substance that works as a natural soothing.

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10. Tarragon

It is a medicinal plant, with stimulating effect on digestion, used mainly against digestive disorders in teas or tincture. "It has a greater effect on digestibility, but also acts as a painkiller, avoiding pain and calming the person," explains the nutritionist.

In addition to these cited substances, dandelion ear is commonly used as a tranquilizer. But, according to Regina, more scientific studies on its action are needed.

6 Soothing Foods

Regina explains that there are some foods that can also have a calming effect, being great allies when inserted in a balanced diet and preferably guided by nutritionist:

  1. Banana, which contains tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin, the feeling-of-well hormone.
  2. Asparagus, which is rich in folic acid.
  3. Avocado, which is rich in glutathione, lutein, beta carotene, vitamin E, and folic acid.
  4. Red fruits rich in antichionine and vitamin C.
  5. Cashews and walnuts, which are a source of zinc, omega-3, linoleic acid and polyphenols.
  6. Chocolate 75% cocoa, which is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids.

6 Attitudes You Can Take To Keep Calm

Don't just put all your expectations on natural tranquilizers! You have to work hard every day to be a calmer person, to fight stress. And this can be achieved with some simple guidelines, as Regina points out:

  1. Always have a balanced life in relation to food, which should be rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, which are sources of vitamins and minerals, which act in relaxation.
  2. Practice a physical or relaxation activity such as yoga or meditation.
  3. Get ready for this before bedtime: don't watch TV in the bedroom, turn off all lights, and don't use electronic gadgets.
  4. Try not to eat and go to sleep, allow two hours for your last meal before bedtime.
  5. Make your night's sleep a pleasant and relaxing ritual.
  6. Respect your metabolism and individuality, not always efficient for one will be efficient for another. Consult with a professional in the area to find out, in the face of your complaints, what is really interesting to you.

It is not always easy to remain calm in the face of rush and daily adversity, but looking at this need carefully is a big step!

Do not hesitate to seek the help of a doctor and report all your difficulties in this regard, so that he indicates the best treatment for you (whether medicated, natural soothing, therapeutic accompaniment etc.) and preferably always count on with a dietitian to make the necessary adjustments to your diet? since food, health and well-being are closely linked.

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