10 Unusual Uses for Vinegar

That vinegar is efficient and essential in the kitchen, everyone knows. After all, it is useful when preserving food, improving taste, seasoning salads, among other functions. But the product can also be an ally when cleaning because it has a high concentration of acetic acid, helps to disinfect, degrease, eliminate odors and give shine.

It is a product that has many uses and can be used in different ways and on several occasions. Know some of the main functions of vinegar:

1 ? Disinfect

Vinegar is a natural antibacterial, used as a base in any cleaning solution. And it is not toxic. To prepare a disinfectant solution at home, dilute 1 part vinegar in 4 parts water and use it wherever there may be germs such as desks, countertops, or personal effects such as keyboards, telephones, and remote controls.

2 ? Clean the bathroom

At the time of washing the bathroom, pour a glass of vinegar around the inside of the toilet and let it act for an hour. Then use a brush to remove debris and flush. The solution helps to disinfect and deodorize the environment.

3? Unclog drains

When drains become clogged, vinegar is the solution. Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda straight down the drain and then 1/2 cup of vinegar. Wait until you make a foam. When this foam begins to subside, pour a liter of boiling water. The operation can be repeated as many times as necessary.

4? Remove waste

Removing an adhesive always leaves the surface with glue residue. To eliminate waste completely, simply wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in a vinegar and water solution.

5? Wash the hair

Yes that's right! But don't worry, because the strong smell doesn't stay in the wires. Since shampoos and conditioners always leave some residue that can make your hair dull, using vinegar can help. Dilute two tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of lemon juice and three cups of water, mix well and, after shampooing, pour over hair. Then rinse normally with water. This mixture helps to eliminate debris and close the cuticles, keeping the strands soft and shiny.

6? Remove stains

Some stains are difficult to remove. But spraying a mixture of 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 cup of baking soda and 3 cups of water on stained clothing before washing helps remove dirt in a natural way.

7? Recover Green Leaves

When preparing the salad, use vinegar to recover the sometimes wilted green leaves. Just dip them in a bowl of 2 cups cold water and 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar to bring them back to life.

8? Remove warts

Warts are a real nuisance, besides leaving a bad appearance. To remove them, dip a cotton ball in vinegar, place over them and secure with a bandage. Change the cotton ball daily. Vinegar acid will corrode the wart over time. Be sure to keep the skin around the wart well hydrated so that there is no dryness in place.

9? Freshen your breath

Yes, vinegar, even with a strong smell and taste, helps to eliminate bad breath. Use two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of salt diluted in a glass of water to wash your mouth. It is especially effective when bad breath comes from eating onions and garlic.

10? Soften brushes

Anyone who does crafts like painting knows that brushes often get hard. But they do not need to be discarded. If soaked in vinegar for about an hour, the bristles will soften again. Then simply wash with warm soapy water and let it dry normally.


Before testing any of the above functions, keep in mind that not all vinegars are the same. While some require ethanol in production, others are made with ethanol synthetically produced from petroleum. When shopping, check the label to ensure you are buying a product made from natural sources.

Everyday Uses - Vinegar (April 2024)

  • Kitchen, Cleaning
  • 1,230